Confrontation - is it for Christians?

by jgnat 49 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • agapa37

    I am a brother. not very well liked. Thats ok though. If im disliked for applying scriptures properly then that,s cool by me. i did not grow up in the truth. A convert.

  • jgnat

    So I guess you haven't been promoted to Ministerial Servant or anything like that. My husband has a very low status and I have no voice at all. Even though I've been a dedicated Christian for over twenty years, the Jehovah's Witnesses have deemed me an "unbelieving mate".

    I've noticed other brothers and sisters at the hall who have no status and are regularly ignored. They may have a learning or mental disability of some sort, or a social handicap. Some of these people are very nice, but it is obvious they will never progress very far in the organization.

  • agapa37

    No have not been offered the priviledge of being a Ministerial Servant. However if I were offered I would turn it down. I am an Elder (Shepard at heart though). I am able to do more as a lowely ole publisher than I could as an appointed Elder. I like it that way.

  • jgnat

    I've noticed that converts typically are treated with greater suspicion than those who are home-grown. The convert-elder in our hall is given all the unpleasant jobs. So you're not really a "company man", are you? You'd rather lead by example than by promotion?

    What was your religious background before the Witnesses?

  • agapa37

    no religious backround really. Was born a catholic but never practiced it. Don't get me wrong, I am cooperative when things are done right but when they are not I am not afraid to speak up. I respect the arrangement within the Congregation but when it is not right I will say something and continue till it is right or if it is out of my control and I have done everything that I CAN possible do scripturally and it is still not resolved, that is when I leave it in the hands of Jesus, the Head of the Congregation. ( or as you quoted earlier, in Jehovah's hands)

  • jgnat

    When it comes to people, I am endlessly curious. If I ask too much, just tell me and I'll back off. The only other times I get this intense is when I am analysing a subject for an oil painting.

    You've gotten to know me a little bit in the last couple days. Would you categorize me as an "unbeliever"?

  • agapa37

    To be honest and what i say is not to be mean or to start an arguement but is an assesment. From your posts I know that you dont feel that the bible is infalliable. Right? A book that can be trusted as the preserved word of God. I noticed that you do have a desire for study of the word and a zeal for sharing it with others. I see that you do have an intense hatred for the doctrines and practices outlined by the JWS. To be honest I do not know you well enough to make that kind of Judgement as to whether or not your an unbeliever. I can say you are a unbeliever to the doctrine and the way Worship to Jehovah is outlined according to JW. I hope you didn't take that offensively.

  • jgnat

    Do you think I might? You are right, I haven't bought in to the JW doctrines. Is that enough to deem me "unchristian", in your view?

    I am very offended when my husband calls me an unbeliever. Like I say, I've been a Christian for twenty-plus years, with a gratefulness ledger very heavy on the plus side.

  • agapa37

    Unbeliever? A person of another Christian religion I would be hesitant to say they were an unbeliever. If someone believes in Jesus and practices what he teaches in my book would be a believer. Someone who doesnt Practice the worship of Jehovah as we do would be non believer of how we worship God. Those are MY THOUGHTS at the moment. Even if I felt you were a non believer ( which of course I do not) a True Christian in my book would not say it to someone. "Your a NON believer!" That just wouldnt sit well with the person you just said that to. I don't know i'm rambling now Basically I would be cautious to say that to anyone. That is just me personally.

  • jgnat

    I very much appreciate your candid replies. Your opinion is a little more liberal than the literature's but that's okay. It gives your personality dimension. Like a good painting.

    I've kind of danced around the various status and grade of Witness that I've observed at the hall. Would you say that some Witnesses are taken more seriously than others? Or would you say that everyone's opinion is given equal weight?

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