ouija boards

by radar 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • radar

    have any of you tried it?


  • airwlk149

    no- i don't like them.

    thanks for reading! :)

  • Englishman


    Give it a miss.

    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • radar


    "give it a miss.?



  • proplog2

    Ouija boards are like all the other paranormal things. Wild claims without any evidence. When people operate ouija boards blind folded you get nothing but nonsense answers completely mis-spelled.

    Even with eyes open Ouija boards tend to need spell checkers.

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    I used to use the ouija board to help me study for the Watchtower lesson. It even told me which questions to answer during the meeting. Very helpful indeed.

  • Tatiana

    Wonder why Miss Cleo didn't use one to predict this catastrophe??


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • ballistic

    I was really interested to try it despite universal warnings. I don't know why. One of my sisters became addicted to it and warned me not to try but I still haven't seen it working. Apparently, her glass topped one spelt the name jehovah to the question "who is the true God" before shattering into thousands of glass fragments.

  • larc


    Don't worry about the universal warnings. The ouija board is bogus bull shit. It works because people move it around to fit their own needs. As someone pointed out, that's why it doesn't work if someone is blind folded. There are no demons here. It is simply a fun parlor game.

    Here is how it works. There is something called kinesthetic feedback. This is the feedback you get when you move. For example, if you throw a baseball and a friend's catcher's mit, you may or may not hit the target. Over time, you become more accurate because of the feedback you get when you throw and you learn from the results you get. Now, with the ouija board, the feedback from movement is below your thresh hold of awareness. Therefore, you move this small piece of wood around, but you are unaware that you are doing it, which is very spooky and freaks you out. None the less, it is not magical and it is not spirit directed in any way shape or form. Sorry if I took away the spookiness of it.

  • radar

    Another question:

    Why have all the major companies, such as Waddingtons stopped making these boards, when they obviously have got a commercial value on them?
    You just can't buy these boards through the normal commercial channels.


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