I don't think the potential spin on this is that difficult, given that Witlesses are so eager to believe whatever they tell
them. They just talk about "paying Caesars things to Caesar" and how the End is So Close, blah, blah, blah and
the average Witness idiot buys into it. They could offer the latest publications for download on the 'Net to cover
any criticism about people being too poor to purchase their crap.
As for the internet and associated apostasy, I repeat , I think it's a minor irritation in relative terms. Why do I say
this? Because of the pitiful lack of response to the challenge it presents!
Don't look at it from your own viewpoint, sitting at your monitor. I grew up in an organization that was outrightly
reactionary in its response to any doctrinal challenge - and where did that spirit go? It evaporated, apparently,
especially after the deaths of Knorr and Franz. Their response to the internet is downright flaccid, weak,
a spiritual form of erectile disfunction. Sure, they drag out an occassional talk about apostasy at the
assemblies each year, but that feels increasingly perfunctory. Contrast any remarks about the internet with
all the emphasis placed on contributions! It's the money., folks!
From their viewpoint, they see 6 million mindless thralls , who increase by a percent or two each year, regardless
of whatever the internet says. Even in lands with deep internet exposure, you could make a case for simple
malaise and "materialism" taking their publishers slaves away. I don't think they can quantify their losses
carefully enough to single out the internet, as opposed to Jonny Witness being part of a Giant Exodus out of the
"truth" because of fornication or smoking weed.
I can recall old internet sites that featured long, involved debates over every aspect of Watchtower doctrine.
and why did that disappear? Because it isn't about doctrine! Why does any one bother debating about
"607 BC" when you have more than 120 years of false prophecy at hand? If that isn't enough, what is?
It's because of that - that I see them as almost collectively deranged. I can't blame critics who talk
about "brainwashing".
All this is OK by me, because I don't think they appreciate the subtlety of what the internet achieves.