It makes sense but I think they see the internet as much more than a minor irritation. The internet helps get the truth out. I see more and more bans coming down on internet use.
Concerning Watchtower Cash and Possible Changes
by metatron 58 Replies latest jw friends
The shutting down of Quotes and several similar sites by the WTS Legal squad shows that 'apostate' sites are just as much a concern as sites where Brother HasFantasies is living them out with someone he met in a chatroom.
From the beginning the WTS has highlighted the internet as more than a danger from pornography or sexual liaisons. JWs tend to be more likely to "repent" and go back after sexual dalliances than exposure to so-called apostate sites with the facts the WTS leaves out of its history.
*** g98 1/8 p. 12 How You Can Cope With the Information Age ***
Beware of the InternetImmoral individuals use the Internet to pursue their sex perversions and to try to contact willing partners or innocent victims. Others use the Internet to promote their own personal agendas. Apostates also create Web sites to catch the naive.
Still, one has to recognize that there are some extremely harmful influences out there, including pornography and apostasy.
** km 11/99 p. 3 par. 10 Use of the Internet—Be Alert to the Dangers! ***
Web Sites of "Jehovah’s Witnesses": Consider, for example, some Internet sites set up by individuals who claim to be Jehovah’s Witnesses. They invite you to visit their sites to read experiences posted by others who claim to be Witnesses. You are encouraged to share your thoughts and views about the Society’s literature. Some give recommendations about presentations that could be used in the field ministry. These sites offer chat rooms for individuals to connect to, allowing live communication with others, similar to talking on the telephone. They often point you to other sites where you can have on-line association with Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world. But can you tell for certain that these contacts have not been planted by apostates?2000
*** w00 5/1 p. 10 par. 9 Firmly Uphold Godly Teaching ***
Some apostates are increasingly using various forms of mass communication, including the Internet, to spread false information about Jehovah’s Witnesses. As a result, when sincere individuals do research on our beliefs, they may stumble across apostate propaganda. Even some Witnesses have unwittingly exposed themselves to this harmful material.
*** w02 9/15 p. 18 Keep Practicing the Things You Have Learned ***
[Pictures on page 18]Seeds of doubt can be sown by the media, through the Internet, and by modern-day apostates
*** w04 2/15 p. 17 par. 9 Guard Against Deception ***
How can we guard against being deceived by apostates? By heeding the advice from God’s Word, which says: "Keep your eye on those who cause divisions and occasions for stumbling contrary to the teaching that you have learned, and avoid them." (Romans 16:17) We "avoid them" by steering clear of their reasonings—whether in person, in printed form, or on the Internet.
*** w04 12/1 p. 15 par. 13 Walk in the Way of Integrity ***
Do we refuse to sit with men of untruth through television programs, videos, motion pictures, Internet sites, or other means? Do we stay away from those who hide what they are? Some at school or at our place of employment may feign friendship with us for devious purposes. Do we really want to develop close ties with those who do not walk in God’s truth? Behind claims of sincerity, apostates may also hide their intent to draw us away from serving Jehovah. What if there are some in the Christian congregation who live double lives? They too conceal what they truly are.
2006 (coming up in the daily text)
*** es06 p. 91 September ***
David simply would not sit with the wicked. He hated bad associations. What about us? Do we refuse to sit with men of untruth through television programs, videos, motion pictures, Internet sites, or other means? Do we stay away from those who hide what they are? Some at school or at our place of employment may feign friendship with us for devious purposes. Do we really want to develop close ties with those who do not walk in God’s truth? Behind claims of sincerity, apostates may also hide their intent to draw us away from serving Jehovah.
Oh, yes, I believe the WTS is concerned about both pornography and "apostate" sites as making inroads into their membership and thus their cas income.
Someone will correct me if my recollection is faulty, but wasn't there posted on this board the audio clip from a demonstration at one of this year's DCs (the old 'birdcatcher' scriptural analogy, I believe) wherein during a brother's search to locate info on how the WTS's Katrina relief efforts were proceeding a site was returned on which he spotted some criticism---disingenuously innocuous, I might add--- of the pace at which emergency supplies were reaching victims? His horrified response was that such comments were intended to undermine confidence in the 'slave.' He dutifully clicked out of the site with some comment to the effect that he was one bird Satan would not catch...or some such blah...---to raucous applause.
Anyhow, if I'm recalling it accurately, this example and their relentless harping in talks and KMs strongly indicates that HQ's anxiety over the eroding effect of the internet ---and, thus, their need to characterize all critical Internet commentary on them as evil apostate machinations---is likely considerably north of little-or-none.
That said, it's always all about the benjamins.
Anyhow, if I'm recalling it accurately, this example and their relentless harping in talks and KMs strongly indicates that HQ's anxiety over the eroding effect of the internet ---and, thus, their need to characterize all critical Internet commentary on them as evil apostate machinations---is likely considerably north of little-or-none.
Yes, you recalled in fairly acurately. I was there at the DC and it was a really silly demonstration. And silly, not just from point of veiw of being an "apostate," but because it was so childishly scripted, people were chuckling and laughing. THe dialogue sounded like it was written by a 14-year-old. Pretty much like this: "Boy! That was a close one! I wanna get out of there - that was not what I was looking for! The interweb is such a scary place! I am a bird the Great Satanus will not catch! Squack!"
the WTBTS is simply a book and magazine publishing corporation. If I were the CEO..
The WTS tend to give the impression that they are a slickly and professionally run , vibrant organisation. I would suggest , from my own personal observations and conversations with those in postions of responsibility , that this impression is far from reality , so any analysis equating the WTS with an efficient , responsive company , disciplined by competition , regulation , demanding customers and shareholders and run by Harvard graduates is far wide of the mark. Quite frankly , the "management" of the WTS would be incapable of running a whelk stall.
A few years ago , a retired brother (initials: PH) who worked in a senior position in industry was parachuted into the London Bethel with a broad remit to change the culture. After a few years , he left , completely disillusioned with the 50's mentality and frustrated by the vested interests and lack of cooperation between different departments. There is a similar experience on this board about a brother who was a graphic designer trying to update the systems in Brooklyn and coming against a wall of resistance.
Any organisation run by a committee of 80 or 90 year old men with little or no business experience , an institutionised mentality and a strong resistance to change based on a strong belief of divine authority and a perceived imminent Armaggeddon will struggle financially and I very much doubt that the WTS will make the needed changes to stave off a cash crisis. As other posters have noted , the whole "business model" , giving away literature for free in the hope that voluntary donations will recompense , is completely flawed and unsustainable in the long term. I cannot think of any other business or organisation which runs in a similar manner. While in the short term , they can sell off real estate to release capital and lay off workers to reduce current and future liabilities , I cannot see this being viable in the long term.
The day of reckoning will arrive , but perhaps not in the manner that the WTS is expecting!
I do hope your list of quotes isn't comprehensive as that would mean some years went without the Society giving
Compare the internet warnings with all the pleas for contributions and I think you can discern where their greatest
worry lies.
Anyone remember "You Know" or "Friend"? "Third Witness" is downright weak compared to the past, on this
site. I've wondered for some years now, why the Society hasn't started a witchhunt - or have elders sign loyalty
oaths - or bothered to change their most stupid doctrines - or bothered to write a new book against Evolution...
I could go on and on - but there are subtle changes going on in the Watchtower that signal internal weakness,
a lack of defense in depth. This area is one in which I trust that the internet is draining them.
It's increasingly hard to have any sort of brain - and still be a Jehovah's Witness - and it's increasingly hard
to run an international organization without critical thinking skills. They can't all be zombies and idiots.
The internet will prevail.
I've wondered for some years now why the Society hasn't [...] bothered to change their most stupid doctrines - or bothered to write a new book against Evolution... [...] but there are subtle changes going on in the Watchtower that signal internal weakness, a lack of defense in depth. This area is one in which I trust that the internet is draining them.
I've often considered this very predicament in which the leadership currently finds itself. Now that the founding luminaries with their wild-eyed "insights" and prophetic spew have all passed from the scene, leaving promoted into their chairs at HQ those with not a bit more spiritual or scholastic qualification than long years of lockstep servitude in itinerant regional sales manager positions and education in corporate practices and procedures, it's little wonder that there is simply no chef on board, so to speak, to concoct and spread the spiritual feasts of the past in which JWs once took such preening self-righteous delight --delusional though we now realize they were, still, at the time, appetizing and certainly exciting enough to keep us tittering "in expectation of it" and "aglow with the spirit."
Today the malaise and apathy are palpable. Any tittering excitement is of the forced, artificial variety mainly on the part of grey-headed ones who are fighting disillusionment, desperate to keep hope alive. The pantry's bone dry, all the culinary wizards are taking dirt naps.
What a sick joke it all seems now looking back. But, briefly, back to the subject of the Internet:
Just as with everything else it affects---and it now affects everything---the Internet is forcing all commercial, social, corporate, religious, political, medical, media, etc., etc., etc., entities to radically and irreversibly restructure their business models or perish, it is having its comparable devastating effect on the WTS: 1) undercutting recruitment; 2) hastening the departure of young ones; 3) shutting the checkbooks of those who must remain in the organization despite having been enlightened about its misdeeds.
No organization need recognize, understand, discern or address this phenomenon for it to wreak havoc. Failure on the part of an organization in these regards merely facilitates the process. It spells doom for the WT religion.
Universal Music to Offer Free Downloads
Music fans for years have been telling record labels what they want to pay for downloaded songs: nothing.
Now the labels are starting to agree that free might work for them too.
Universal Music Group announced Tuesday that it would license its digital catalog to a website offering free legal downloads. The two-year deal marks a significant shift in an industry long criticized for fighting, rather than harnessing, the Internet's potential. -
The Society had to defend their UN shenanigans to assembled elders in Europe.
I'd like to have more info on that.
Neo -
I can't recall all the specifics but shortly after the UN scandal was exposed, they had an elders school take
place in Europe, in which the matter came up with various elders seeking an answer. The Society rep told them
it was no big deal and used the library card excuse.