Go back to the Kingdumb hall?? Even for someones wedding or a loved ones funeral?
Could you or would you ever....
by beautifulisfree 45 Replies latest jw friends
This is a recurring question and I'll give you my recurring answer:
I had to go back east for my dad's funeral (if you want to call it that) at the knigdumb hall, I attended while growing up...
Of course, I went on my terms (ya'll know what I look like )
Having just left the JWs, and with many family members still in, some quite elderly, I really don't know. I would find it difficult to cope with the inevitable shunning, so probably not.
Went a few weeks ago for a funeral. Other than that, NO!
No. Not for any reason. Sorry, not even for funerals. I don't really consider any still alive that I knew as friends anyway. Lilly
Nope, in fact my little sister just got married in March but since it was in a KH I just couldn't do it. Just the thought made me feel sick to my stomache. It wasn't in town here but there were alot of people there who we grew up with.
i went in my last kingdom hall a few years back when i was dragged out of mothballs for a wedding, i vowed then never again and i'm sticking to that.
I quit!
I don't think I would. I mean I haven't in over 20 years so that should be a good sign. Even for a wedding or a funeral who would want to go somewhere where you know they are goingt to treat you like crap. The thought of going back for any reason makes me want to hurl.