by gumby 183 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
gumby are ya brother? Good to hear from you! Come around more often, will ya? We need another Bastard around here.
Gill, you took the words out of my mouth. Jehovah gives David his victories, then punishes him for being too bloodguilty. Makes sense to me.'s least Jesus didn't kill people.......but his dad is another story.
Sorry, mouthy. Its just that there is so much that is hard to understand in the Bible.
Mouthy - Don't cry. Jesus sounds a cool kind of guy. But as for his supposed father.....well, words escape me!
Sorry, mouthy. Its just that there is so much that is hard to understand in the Bible. Yes I agree...But why bother to try to understand it all. ? We have to agree that creation just didnt come by itself surely!!It is by Faith you are saved. Why not ask the Creator who ever you think he is to help you understand why we need to be thankful> for the rain,stars, etc,etc, ( thousands & thousands of examples.) I was lost after the WT kicked me out... Did not want to believe there was a loving God.Then I did start praying that I might know Jesus like all these other folks said they knew him.( O.K. you might think that is what we did entering the WT & yes we did >we followed- followers) Then my life began to change -- things happened in my life I couldnt believe... I found I could think independently, I started to run around from Church to Church-- telling the pastors, Ministers, priests, the bible says this the bible says that....Complaining about their big $$$ signs they had up or the "BINGO" signs they had up...Asking why they didnt teach against false prophets instead of putting new carpets, or new roofs, or having "teas" or bus rides etc etc:If they really believed that the MESSAGE in scripture was "COME UNTO ME JESUS" why didnt they make that the most important message... Well then all these Churches began to call me & ask me to teach "Why we should not be involved in a cult" I did. Most often I would tell the whole congregation they would be D/F if they were JWS -cos they were doing all the things it is NORMAL for humans to do----SIN!!!! weather it is gossip, swear, adultery, fornication, lying you know the rest>>>>>> Then of course Radio stations, T.V stations wanted me on theirs// Imagine little old "grace gough".. But I KNOW without a doubt... it was GODS direction..As a JW I used to pray .."I dont want anything from you (paradise)because I was SO bad before I was a JW all I wanted to do is be used by YOU!!" I feel He is letting me be used & I am grateful. Sorry to ramble ..
I started to run around from Church to Church-- telling the pastors, Ministers, priests, the bible says this the bible says that....Complaining about their big $$$ signs they had up or the "BINGO" signs they had up...Asking why they didnt teach against false prophets instead of putting new carpets, or new roofs, or having "teas" or bus rides etc etc:If they really believed that the MESSAGE in scripture was "COME UNTO ME JESUS" why didnt they make that the most important message... Well then all these Churches began to call me & ask me to teach "Why we should not be involved in a cult" I did.
That's a beautiful story Granny. You sound like Jeremiah.......the zeal of the Lord was eating you up!
I did the same thing in that I asked the big wigs at churches questions about things I didn't agree with.
One day I pulled into a church parking lot as I saw the pastor doing some yard work. I said "I heard you folks think your the closest thing to truth, is that correct? If it is, I don't want to come here".
He said "no, we believe anyone who comes to christ can be saved". I said "that's what I was hoping to hear".
I had asked him that because he was a Southern Baptist and I had heard they believed that way. My point is, I wasn't afraid to ask what ever the heck I wanted to ....and it felt good.
That is why God gave a tongue------ Make sure of all things. If you dont ask you dont get
Terry....everytime I see your avatar it reminds me of some guy lurking in the shadows with big boobs.
Quality implants cost too much; so, I used jello injections!
Let's ask the question: What difference does it make if I kill you A. Deliberately B. Accidentally if you are DEAD either way?
It doesn't; except to some concept of fairness in holding me accountable . The dead are dead either way.
Terry Terry Terry! Are you saying that killing someone doesn't really matter except in the eyes of someone who has been pre-conditioned to think it's a bad thing? Why don't you come over and let me hit you in the forehead with a baseball bat and I'll bury you in my backyard and no one will know cept fer you and me?
Context is everything, Gummo! The context in this case is the discussion of culpability and willfulness.
When a killing takes place (as per my example) the death is the result of an action. Parsing the motives of the action is beside the point to the DEAD person! Attributing willfullness is the preoccupation of the living. One's mental state in killing is secondary to the trajedy of the death itself. But, yes--we must deal with killers. Justice remains a question of making sure people are held responsible for the ACTIONS and not MERELY THEIR INTENTIONS.
That was my point.
Now, stop staring at my boobs!
Rabbit: Leave Terry alone, I met him at the Texas SweatFest, obviously he had that boob reduction you're always harpin' about. And Mzz. Rabbit, not me, said, "He's a fine looking apostate."
OK, now Terry...I'm Are you for or against sin ?
I was sweating at the Sweatfest and it drained my mammaries temporarily. I've been using the breastpump and they're now back up to boobilicious standards!
Am I for or against sin?
My opinion is that the question is made irrelevant by the fact SIN IS GOD'S OPINION and God cannot be contacted, heard, seen, examined or otherwise summoned into audience to verify the PURPORTED hearsay presented by religions in their various books and revelations.
What is MORAL is pretty much a matter of practical and rational sense anyway. You can't be in a social enviornment and get away with harming others without being called to account regardless of the belief system of that group.
I think SIN is a obsessive/compulsive disorder of weak minds transmitted by memes to control their behavior by short-circuiting the rational process of factual analysis.
Well, you asked!
But, IF the OT only applied to the Jews, whether as individuals or The Nation, then maybe WE are the ones who are reading the scripture wrong. Maybe the scriptures you cited don't apply to us at all.
PAUL single-handedly managed to STEAL God's promises to the nation of Israel by REDEFINING what a "JEW" was. He "spiritualized" the term and created a disconnect with history.
Today it is those calling themselves Christians who have usurped (by using Paul's redefinition) nationhood and promises from natural Israel by their circumscision of the heart and faithfulness (Paul's formula).
According to Paul there is "neither Jew nor Greek". Ha ha ha ha. What a charlatan. But, how successful he was!!