Let's break this down simply, okay?
God defines "sin", but, God doesn't talk to anybody where we can verify what's going on.
Consequently, we rely ENTIRELY on hearsay.
That HEARSAY can be a book (scripture) or somebody's mental gymnastics.
It isn't testable. That is why "faith" is soooooooo necessary.
Now that we've established the standard of sin (God's opinions) isn't really reliably accurate (hearsay) we move on to what humans do willfully.
Let's ask the question: What difference does it make if I kill you A. Deliberately B. Accidentally if you are DEAD either way?
It doesn't; except to some concept of fairness in holding me accountable. The dead are dead either way.
JUSTICE is requiring each person to be accountable for WHAT THEY DESERVE. What consequence does an UNwillful act require? (Accident)
The SCRIPTURES amply demonstrate that God does not deal with mankind with JUSTICE!
Wuh? Why do I say that?
Because, the offspring of Adam and Eve are said (by St.Augustine) to have INHERITED the "condition" of repugnance (sin) from their parents.
That isn't JUSTICE! It is merely God's reaction.
Further, saving mankind from this condition is weirdly arranged as well. (More a function of theology than logic).
A person (Messiah=Jesus) who is innocent of mankind's SIN is required to PAY for the sins he did not commit! The persons "guilty" of the sin they were born with (not their choice) get off from penalty (Jesus' death in their place) merely by THINKING a certain series of THOUGHTS! i.e. Believing!
This is patchwork thinking at best!
Why do we fret over what loosely educated and superstitious people invented by way of belief thousands of years ago???
Why are we trapped into buying in to any "reality" it may represent when it is all untestable???
This is Christianity's legacy.
None of us KNOWS anything at all about sin in the way we KNOW the sun rises or the rain falls. It is all represented as having credibility.
Why waste your life on such folly?
In everyday life we see the consequences of our choices and actions AS WELL AS the consequences of our accidents. We don't have to wring our hands and furrow our brows over an invisible guy in the sky with a bad case of obsessive compulsive disorder judging our merits by whimsical (unjust) standards.
We all need to get a life!