This weekend in Texas a man from over THEIR was killed
only reason the way he looked. In Mesa AZ. a part of the
greater PHX. valley, a man with THAT kind of beard with
THAT kind of head ware speaking in THAT kind of voice
was gunned down at his job. He was from India a Sikh.
Two white middle class teenagers dressed in leather coats
walk into a Colorado High School and TERRORIZE their school killing many students. NO teenage white males in
leather coats gunned down. NO War on Terrorism waged.
In Okla. the Federal building is bombed around 160 people
die. No young white males with crew cuts are gunned down.
In what all news anchors call the worst act of terrorism ever
on American soil(up to that time) NO war on terrorism is waged.
In a thread a person asked all us Doves well them what should
the President do first? If their is really a war on Terrorism being
waged why in this past week haven't the Feds. rounded up
all members of White Hate Groups who Terrorize, KKK,
Young Nazi's , the people who want to over throw the government
like Tim's crowd of which their are many. The FBI has the names
they know where there sites are where they train people to fight
and terrorize.
But Crossroads this is America WE can't do that. It's the Home
of the Brave and the Land of the Free. It is for the W.A.S.P.
The War on Drugs has not worked what it has done is put
many, many, way to many young Black men in jail. This War
on Terrorism that we are being sold won't work either. For in
reality it is not a WAR on Terrorism. This is JR. finishing a WAR
that SR. walked away from.
"War is not the answer only love can conquer hate"