TWO down and counting

by crossroads 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • conflicted

    Before I continue, two points: 1)I wasn't trying to make light of the terrorism that occurs worldwide, it is all terrible and all of it must be brought to an end. 2)I feel that this is an exchange of ideas, I don't want to come off as hostile or argumentive - if I do I appologize in advance.

    Now, to answer stephen,

    if you get bin laden, before the ink is dry on his confession , a hundred more Junior BinLadens will be vying for his spot.

    I wholeheartedly agree, that's why I said

    If Bin Laden were to give himself and his followers up so that we are guaranteed that his reign is over

    I may have not been clear, but what I meant was satisfaction comes with the fact that nobody can step into his shoes and continue his work. The man behind the mission matters, but stopping Bin Laden isn't the last thing we need to do, it's the first on a long list.

    Mark, I agree that this isn't a war on terrorism, if it were it would have started long ago. I don't know that it is a war on Afghanistan either. That is where it's taking place, but the war is against muslim fundamentalists. Like it or not, the US is entering into a Holy WAR - a religious WAR. This isn't about territories or who should rule what land, that is a war against a country. This is a battle to defend the rights of non-muslims to exist on this planet, because Bin Laden thinks we don't have that right and he is moving to eradicate "western devils" from earth.

    Make no mistake, this is a religious war. Aginst people whose religious beliefs say we should be destroyed. I have heard and read all of the info on how Islam is a religion of peace and muslims by and large are aghast at what has occured. That doesn't change the fact that Bin Laden is a muslim and he is acting on his beliefs. So he doesn't represent the majority of Islam, he is acting on behalf of his faith.

  • crossroads

    I want to bring this up because Amazing and Conflicted
    bring up a point. Tim was caught and justice took it's
    course. The bombers are dead. There is 51 I believe to
    be in FBI custody, it's only been a week . Was the whole
    bombing in Okla. solved by then. Was the Army called out
    and were there tanks surrounding groups that Tim visited.
    He bombed a FEDERAL building an attack on the Government.
    NO WAR WAS CALLED.(a week after the bombing we didn't
    know there was no others involved)

    Oh Conflicted Bin Laden dosen't have to help you fry him,
    he dosen't have to give you his co-horts you must PROVE
    your case, beyond a reasonable doubt, not rethoric.

    A U. S. offical commenting on the video were Bin Laden
    claims he did this and that said" Well we must take him on his
    word" OK----If thats the case Bin Laden says HE had nothing to do with this attack nothing. How come we are not taking his
    word this time?

    If you were raised in the racial south a white kid taught to
    hate the black. Mom and Dad Knows what they raised what
    they don't know is what there child will do about the training,
    and have never ever been prosecuted for that childs acts,
    once said child becomes an adult.

    "War is not the answer only love can conquer hate"

  • crossroads

    Conflicted I'm slow at typing so I did not see your post now
    I tend to agree with what you have said. Problem Big
    Problem when I have a machine gun in my hand will you
    point out which ones are the fundamentalists and which
    ones are not.

    "War is not the answer only love can conquer hate"

  • teejay

    Make no mistake, this is a religious war.

    I think that statement misses the mark as much as the President's disengenuous statement that the attack was on "American's way of life." Religion may be a component, but it does not address the financial and political policies foisted on Palestinians for more than half a century. According to , in 1997 alone America aid to Israel topped $3.5 BILLION. I wonder how much of that was used to keep their Arab brothers under their boots? I wonder if the fathers and grandfathers of todays Palestinians felt it. I wonder if they are intelligent enough to see Israel as only part of their problem, that the real power behind their bleak existence lies across the water.

    After a time, the hopelessness that anyone would feel under those circumstances would lead the idealistic to do "something." For centuries, leaders of all political ilks have exploited this youthful idealism for their own ends. What happened in NYC last week is no different. Muslims do it... Bush will, too.

  • conflicted
    Oh Conflicted Bin Laden dosen't have to help you fry him,
    he dosen't have to give you his co-horts you must PROVE
    your case, beyond a reasonable doubt, not rethoric.

    I know, I was asked what would give me satisfaction regarding this incident and I answered with Bin Laden turning himself and his cohorts in and disbanding his organization. I know full well that this wont happen, but if it did I would be satisfied to the point that invasion of Afghanistan is no longer needed.

    As to how do you separate fundamental extremist muslims from the peaceful variety, I have no idea, neither do our government nor the governments of other muslim nations, that is where it gets ugly and innocents die (not to disregard those who have died already). It's a nasty situation with undesirable results on both sides.

  • LDH
    week haven't the Feds. rounded up
    all members of White Hate Groups who Terrorize, KKK,
    Young Nazi's , the people who want to over throw the government
    like Tim's crowd

    While you're pondering that one, figure out how the FBI so easily stomped the Black Panthers into the ground and the KKK is still allowed to exist/march/lobby politicians, etc.

    Things that make you go HMMMMMMMMM.....


  • teejay

    ... figure out how the FBI so easily stomped the Black Panthers into the ground and the KKK is still allowed to exist/march/lobby politicians...

    Oh, sorry, Lisa. You didn't know? I thought you knew!!

    Black Panthers were interested in having the city put up stop signs at dangerous street corners in black neighborhoods and making sure their children got a hot meal at lunch time at school.

    The KKK is interested in killing said black people.

    Makes perfect sense to me which ones we have to support, which ones we oughta eliminate.

    But why bring up ancient history. Come on... get over it. Times are different now!! God bless America. Go USA!!!


  • crossroads

    Now we are marchin'------
    But Lisa that answer is too easy please ask another.
    Oh and at the beggining of this I mentioned the majority of casualties on the War on Drugs was young black men.
    Now a sweetheart answered; well it is against the law.
    The Law of averages shows that more WHITE men should
    be in jail then. There is more white people and they use more
    drugs just in there nice white picket fence suburbs with a more
    expensive brand of drug. I'm white but my fist is in the air.
    Becasue Fair is Fair.

    "War is not the answer only love can conquer hate"

  • reagan_oconnor

    teejay & crossroads: I think I understand the point that was being made; thank you for the clarification. And I, for one, think that the parents of the Columbine assassins should have been held partially responsible for being such ignorant fuckwits that they had no clue as to the arsenals that their children were compiling.

    However, I digress...

    teejay said:

    Americans of Middle Eastern descent, two innocents who happen to have come from the enemy-country-of-the-moment, are now dead.
    This is an absolute tragedy. It exemplifies how "revenge" is wrong; "justice" should be sought, not revenge.

    I don't think that "those who harbor terrorists" can be equated to the man who wrote the book McVeigh used as instruction to build his bomb. If you're going to use the same logic, then let's sue Boeing for building the planes that were crashed into the WTC and Pentagon.

    Now a sweetheart answered; well it is against the law.
    The Law of averages shows that more WHITE men should
    be in jail then. There is more white people and they use more
    drugs just in there nice white picket fence suburbs with a more
    expensive brand of drug.

    First off, how presumptuous of you to refer to me as "a sweetheart."

    Second, I made no comment about race, simply stated the truth. Drugs are illegal, no matter who you are, no matter what side of the city you live on, no matter what your ethnic background; it's called being held responsible for your actions. The law makes no differentiation, last I checked.

    I am the master of my fate/I am the captain of my soul.

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Earlier Reagan O'Connor stated that internal and external terrorist groups should be examined equally and treated in the same manner.

    While I agree with the statement, I disagree with the sampling of internal terrorist she included in her statement.

    The KKK and Aryan Nation can and should be considered terrorists. Burning crosses, public lynchings and hate mobs should be obvious to all. But you mentioned "Black Panthers". How much research (if any) have you invested in this group?

    Do you know anything about them? Or do they simply appear militant because of their name and because they were black and outspoken critics of our society and government in the 60's?

    Check your research.

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