The Watchtower's comment about the olive tree and the flood:
***w66 7/1 p.415 Questions from Readers***
the Deluge, Noah sent out from the ark a dove that later returned with "an olive leaf freshly plucked in its bill." (Gen.8:10,11)Would not the trees have been ruined by the Flood? Where did the dove get the olive leaf? C.J., U.S.A. While the waters of the Flood undoubtedly did adversely affect many plants and trees, it does not seem improbable that an olive tree might survive them. The olive tree is quite hardy. It has been said of it that "an old stump will continue to send up new stems, as if its vitality were indestructible." (TheNewSchaff-HerzogEncyclopediaofReligiousKnowledge, Volume IV, page 404) It is also noteworthy that the Greek philosopher and scientist Theophrastus and the Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder have stated that the olive has grown under water in the Red Sea, retaining its verdure there. So the olive tree might well have remained submerged under water for some months during the Flood without dying. With the abating of the waters an olive tree that had been covered thereby would again be on dry ground and could put forth leaves, so the dove could easily obtain a leaf. The return of the dove with the freshly plucked olive leaf in its bill was of significance to the ark?s human occupants. In that way "Noah got to know that the waters had abated from the earth."?Gen. 8:11.