Did Bethel Really let 900 rescue workers...

by Esmeralda 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • nytelecom1
    i always hope, for your sake, you'll have something to say after i continually discredit your posts,

    You have ever discredited my posts. Many times people, such as yourself, ask questions and really dont want an answer. I can only
    reply so many times before I ger bored with your logic. I appreciate your obsession though.

  • Seeker

    I haven't heard about this 900 rescure workers housed at Bethel story, but it's not impossible. In years past, when firefighters were putting out a fire at Bethel, they totally opened up other buildings to them and fed them and gave them anything they needed. Now in this case, Brooklyn is across the bridge and all, but I suppose it's close enough that maybe the out-of-town firefighters might have asked for help.

    We tend to criticize the WTS no matter what. You know how we ridicule them for saying "If things are good, it means the end is near, and if things are bad, it means the end is near"? We tend to be guilty of the same thing here. No matter what they do, they are guilty, huh?

    Well, their initial reaction was bad, and represents their true heart inclination -- take care of themselves, and ignore everyone else. Their PR stuff was gag-inducing. And individual JWs who minimized this disaster are disgusting, as are the GB for what they told the Bethel family, as are the GreatCrowd.com folks who made their awful comments.

    On the other hand, this past Sunday I heard that Bethel had a few specially picked elders go to various bereavement locations (such as the armory) to be available to give a comforting message solely from the Bible, no literature, no selling, just comforting words. You can get all cynical about what their true message is behind the scenes, but the fact is that this is precisely the sort of preaching you would want them to do. I commend them for this. When they do right, I say call it right.

    If they opened up Bethel for firefighters, then I commend them for that as well. Maybe they only did it after the initial criticisms about doing nothing, but one way or another they did it. Let's be fair.

  • dubla
    You have ever discredited my posts.

    yes, ever so often.

    people, such as yourself, ask questions and really dont want an answer.

    im sure thats true of some, but i can assure you, not me. i truly do want answers to every question i ask. your inability to give answers has nothing to do with boredom, but only to do with you having no answers. its funny (funny ironic here), that you think you can write off all my posts as simply my "logic" due to the fact that you cannot supply a response that will suffice for any intelligent human.


  • nytelecom1
    yes, ever so often.


    but only to do with you having no answers. its funny (funny ironic here), that you think you can write off all my posts as simply
    my "logic" due to the fact that you cannot supply a response that will suffice for any intelligent human

    i appreciate your analysis of my thinking,however it is very flawed,
    perhaps you should work on your obsession for me.
  • dubla


    heres an example from our last conversation (if you can call it that. more like talking to a wall). sometimes, its not even a question i wish for you to answer, but merely statements that you are obviously unequipped intellectually to respond to. ill quote my statement, then explain. just as background, this was in reply to you after telling me so nicely to f- off....

    such a christ-like response, thank you for showing your true colors mr. ministerial servant. one last thought, the passages that i quoted have been up for over a day, were you on the phone with you neighbor for 24 hours? and if youre so wrapped up in the tragedy, and do not have time for replies, then please quit replying in posts such as this one, where you imply the society has done so much more, when you cant even give one example:

    you see what i mean? (believe me, everyone else does). first off, i accused you of being un-christian in your speech. no response. then i implied that you were using your neighbor as a mere excuse. you see, you said you could not respond to comments that had been up for over 24 hours, becuase you were on the phone with your neighbor. my question was sarcastic, asking if you had actually been on the phone with your neighbor for the entire 24 hours. understand? again, no response. i then went on to show how it was preposterous for you to say you had no time to respond, when all you had been doing since the attack in ny was responding to all of the "jw bashing" as you put it. again, no response. do you see a pattern here nytel? this is but one example, there are many more, but im quite sure youre aware of every statement that you dodge.


  • dubla
    perhaps you should work on your obsession for me.

    oh, dont flatter yourself nytel. believe me, i spend more time on my other discussions on this forum than the ones with you. namely, the discussions where the other party actually gives intelligent answers to my posts. but i must admit, you are intellectually an easy target, which can be amusing. you repeating something about an "obsession" on my part is a common practice among those who simply do not have the intelligence to carry on a conversation/discussion/argument. you see, by accusing the other party(me) of something like "obsession", you are hoping to "get my goat", or, "light a fire under" me......that way ill break off of the discussion to defend myself, instead of continuing to expose your ignorance to all readers. well i guess it worked temporarily, but i only respond to such obvious jibes in order to again show your lack of ability/intelligence.


  • nytelecom1

    first off, i accused you of being un-christian in your speech, no response
    my question was sarcastic, asking if you had actually been on the phone with your neighbor for the entire 24 hours. understand? again, no response ..when all you had been doing since the attack in ny was responding to all of the "jw bashing" as you put it. again, no response. do you see a pattern here nytel

    let me see..my city has just been attacked..and damn i forgot to respond to the latest jdubl statements. why do you think i am obligated to respond to every statement you make?..simply to satify your ego??

    I called you obsessive...what??

    [b]NO RESPONSE?!!??![b]

  • dubla
    I called you obsessive...what??

    [b]NO RESPONSE?!!??![b]

    um, actually i did respond to that statement. see above.

    let me see..my city has just been attacked..and damn i forgot to respond to the latest jdubl statements. why do you think i am obligated to respond to every statement you make?..

    indeed, it was interesting that after your city was attacked, you had MANY upon MANY responses for anti-jws in this forum, and i hardly think that you forgot mine. do i think you are obligated to respond to my statements? no, as ive said before, im realistic enough to know that you do not have the intelligence level needed to respond to all of my statements. you choose your battles wisely, for that i give you credit (kind of like the "pick on someone your own size" approach). when you are obvliously out-witted, you jump ship and pick a new conversation to add your quips to. again, this is not surprising, but rather very predictable, and in fact, understandable.


  • nytelecom2
    you see, by accusing the other party(me) of something like "obsession", you are hoping to "get my goat", or, "light a fire under" me......that way ill break off of the discussion to defend myself, instead of continuing to expose your ignorance to all readers. well i guess it worked temporarily, but i only respond to such obvious jibes in order to again show your lack of ability/intelligence.

    this is not a response .....its an attempt to side step the issue.
    dismissing it as a "jibe" is still not a response

    [quote]indeed, it was interesting that after your city was attacked, you had MANY upon MANY responses for anti-jws in this forum,[quote] and i hardly think that you forgot mine[/b]

    sounds like.....ub-seh-shun to me

    [quote]know that you do not have the intelligence level needed to respond to all of my statements

    is this the part where i say i know you are but what am i?
    this is beyond trivial.

  • dubla
    this is beyond trivial.

    i agree....most attempts at conversing with you are.


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