And suicides. Massive depression that you cannot get treated.
It kills the soul.
Did Bethel Really let 900 rescue workers...
by Esmeralda 34 Replies latest jw friends
The reason that JW's are so destructive is because they still hold the teaching the Abaddon, the destroyer, is Jesus Christ. This is a teaching from the 1950's and they haven't changed it to this day. The Bible teaches that Jesus was the Word of God in His prior existance. It even asks the question "to which of the angels has He ever said 'You are my son?'" Not to mention the fact that Abaddon is an angel that 'fell' from heaven. I don't hate JW's, I just believe they are misguided.
np, youre right, wrong thread for our dispute. nytel brings out the best in me. i for one hope the society is doing all they can to help those in need in the ny area. i hope, like all other organizations, that they are collecting money for disaster relief, and are encouraging all members (at the very least the ones close to ny) to donate blood.
I heard that Bethel had a few specially picked elders go to various bereavement locations (such as the armory) to be available to give a comforting message solely from the Bible, no literature, no selling, just comforting words.
I wonder what "comforting words" they used from the bible. Probably something to do with "the end". Yeah, that's what they want to hear, more about death and destruction.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
—Edmund Burke -
thank you esmerelda....i appreciate your thoughts