1975 "Explained" by a JW

by Honesty 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty

    Have you ever thought about the Isrealites beginning to enter the promised land and how they then had to turn back and wander in the wilderness for 40 years? Have you ever wondered if there is a modern day parallel in our time? Perhaps 75 was our approach to that promised land that we then had to turn back from and "wander"...

    A JW has explained what 1975 really meant.

    Now we can all go back to the Spritual Paradise of the JW's since the "wandering" is over.

  • magoo

    ......they will do anything to cover their failed prophecies.....the r&f just keep coming up with excuses to justify their beliefs in such promises from a book publishing company. kinda reminds me of publishers clearing house.......buy 30 magazine subscriptions & receive the prize!


  • skyking

    I have heard every twisted thinking now. I could see the BORG might have actually of said that if they would of thought of it.

  • stillajwexelder

    So armageddon is coming in 1975 + 40 = 2015 - is that what is being implied?

  • bronzefist

    Maybe she is getting confused with the Mayan Calender ending in 2012?

    My guess is that there will be door to door work being done on Mars before this old system comes to an end.

  • free2beme

    Well, of that is the case, then why does the Bible not say this? It does not. So they must be just making it up, right? Well, that does not matter, as it makes them feel better and that is what matters to them. Anyone who says what you said though, it taking baby steps to an exit soon anyway.

  • Mary
    Have you ever thought about the Isrealites beginning to enter the promised land and how they then had to turn back and wander in the wilderness for 40 years? Have you ever wondered if there is a modern day parallel in our time? Perhaps 75 was our approach to that promised land that we then had to turn back from and "wander"...

    Let's see: 1975 + 40 years = 2015. 2015 - 2006 means "brothers, there are only 9 years left in this wicked old System of Things. Reports are heard of brothers selling their homes and property and planning to finish out the rest of their days in this old system in the pioneer service. Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short time remaining before the wicked world?s end."

    bronzefist said: My guess is that there will be door to door work being done on Mars before this old system comes to an end.

    Ya, but what kind of hope are they gonna be able to give the aliens? The bible says that Jesus only died for men on planet earth, so those poor bastards who were born after 1935 on Mars can't even look forward to an "earthly hope".

  • stillajwexelder

    Let's see: 1975 + 40 years = 2015. 2015 - 2006 means "brothers, there are only 9 years left in this wicked old System of Things. Reports are heard of brothers selling their homes and property and planning to finish out the rest of their days in this old system in the pioneer service. Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short time remaining before the wicked world?s end."

    Just like 1966 all over again - then we only had 9 years left too

  • Amazing

    As 1974 was passing, and 1975 was right around the corner, the Watchtower gave an explanation at District Conventions that went something like this:

    We have believed that the end of 6,000 years of human existence was to occur in 1975, and this the 7th millenium would commence the beginning the Jesus 1,000 year rule, thus completing Jehovah's rest day with righteousness being restored. We based that on the declaration of the end of the 6th creative day at the creation of Adam. However, we failed to account for the fact that Eve was yet to be created, and also the amount of time from her creation that they had together as a perfect married couple before Jehovah declared an end to the 6h creative day. It could have been 2, 3, 4 or 5 years after the creation of Adam. Thus the end of 6,000 years during Jehovah's day of rest may not end until perhaps 1980 or so. Therefore, the Kingdom may not begin until then. However, do not presume that Adam and Eve had 8, 9 or 10 years or more together, as this would clearly not be the case. We could be lulled into losing our sense of the urgency of the times. Do not suppose that the end of 6,000 years, and the beginning of the kingdom will be as late as 1985 or 1990. But, we must not lose heart if 1975 does not prove to be the day of Jehovah's anger, and the beginning of the New System.

    The above is the gist I heard given at the Disctrict Convention in 1974 at Puyallup (pronounced 'pew-owl-lip'), Washington, near Seattle-Tacoma. I believe that the Seattle Times ( or possibly the Tacoma newspaper) published headlines stating something to the effect that the Society was soft-peddling the 1975 date, as it was becoming clear that it would not be the time for Armageddon. The same talk was given at District Conventions all over the United States and eventually the world. Of course, if the Society had been correct, then the end should have happened by 1980 or as late as 1985. It is now 2006, so it seems that Adam and Eve have already had a nice 31 year marriage, and the end of 6,000 years of human existence has yet to occur - if it ever does - in Jw mentality. IN truth, the Society has conveniently forgotton all about this teaching, and quietly dropped it.

    When we study science, however, we find that the end of 6,000 years of human 9hono-sapiens) existence happened over 170,000 years ago.

    Jim Whitney

  • Arthur

    Hey Honesty, my hat's off to you. (my big top hat) I don't know how you are able to tolerate all of that delusional psycho-babble on those pro-JW sites. I don't think I could get through reading that guff for 5 minutes without soiling my pants.

    So, thank you for posting those quotes. It is mildly entertaining to read, in a morbid sort of way. It's sort of like watching video footage of a car accident.

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