JW-apologists - and who survives Armageddon?

by Hellrider 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Hellrider


    That both the righteous and un-righteous will be resurrected (Acts 24:15)

    That is correct, but we are talking about who will survive Armageddon! The point is that those that are alive on that day, and are not jws, will be destroyed (unless they for some reason had never heard about the truth, like if you were an indian in a tribe in some godforsaken south-american jungle, or something), and will get no ressurection, according to jw-doctrine. Only lately have jw-apologists begun lying and/or spreading deceitful/confusing information about this, in order to present a more pr-friendly view on "the truth".

  • Cherish

    Hi Pimkry,

    well I did ask about this because my sister took bible studies about 10 years ago but ceased then and was never baptised so its a question close to my heart. The lady giving the study told me there was no reason why my sister would not be resurrected and she would be judged, as everyone else would be according to the deeds she performs after the resurrection

  • Death to the Pixies
    Death to the Pixies
    unless they for some reason had never heard about the truth, like if you were an indian in a tribe in some godforsaken south-american jungle, or something), and will get no ressurection, according to jw-doctrine. Only lately have jw-apologists begun lying and/or spreading deceitful/confusing information about this, in order to present a more pr-friendly view on "the truth".

    There are more factors that play into it as the quotes show.... And actually, JWs have not "lately" started this view, and it is not "deceitful" my friend..

  • Cherish


    Apologies for not understanding the question. I know very little about the subjest at the mo and simple wish to gleam others views on the subject. I can only state what I have been told to be the "correct" interpretation of what a JW has told me. I was of the understanding EVERYONE would be destroyed at Armageddon. I know there is the 144,000 to be ressurected that will rule with Christ but I dont know much about this yet.

  • plmkrzy

    :And actually, JWs have not "lately" started this view,

    This was the belief for many years even though they may be changing what has been taught in the past to something that's not quite so...offensive to the general public. I spoke to the PO and one of the elders from my mom's congregation a couple of weeks ago. They called on me in hope of getting me to reconsider my personal views and attend the meeting last weekend as the CO was visiting. This was the topic of the conversation and I will guess it was also what they were saying to everyone they called on in service, that being: "We don't know who will make it through Armageddon and who will not. That will be for Jehovah to decide". This was NOT the norm while I was being raised in the "Truth" at all. But it is something recent.

    However, the fact that they were here calling on me and using language that conveyed a message of urgency that I need to hurry up and come back before it's too late was very real. In no way did they leave the impression, oh well, we'll see you after Armageddon if not before. Lol!

  • sir82

    By my own rather crude estimates, I would wager that well over one-half (over 3 billion..with a B) of the world's population have never had the "good fortune" to have ever even spoken with a Jehovah's Witness, or seen their literature.

    Of those who have spoken to JWs or read something, an incredibly small portion has even the faintest notion of JW beliefs ("Hmmm...aren't you the guys who don't celebrate Christmas? and knock on people's doors selling magazines?")

    I'd say probably less than 100 million persons, earthwide, have more than the barest superficial inkling of what JWs teach (Armageddon, paradise earth, resurrection, etc.)

    So, not only is God going to destroy the 99.9% of earth's population that are not aboard "the ark of salvation" at Armageddon, well over 98% of those destroyed won't have the foggiest notion of why.

    And this is a manifestation of God's justice?

    That's not even to mention the indictment of the ineffectiveness of JWs preaching (how many years of "more than a billion hours in preaching", and what are the results?)

  • Hellrider


    I was of the understanding EVERYONE would be destroyed at Armageddon.

    You need a new study conductor...or even better, none at all...


    JWs have not "lately" started this view, and it is not "deceitful" my friend..

    Are you telling me that they have always been deceitful about this? I mean, have they always had these two versions of "the truth", one for the doors and media, and one for the congregations? This was all new to me. When going door to door as a kid with my mother, I do remember that she would try to avoid answering directly, when confronted with an honest, straight to the chase-question on this issue (by the householder), but I never heard her flat out lie about it! And I remember one of her friends (this was in the early 80s), and she said it flat out to a householder (that had been rude to us) that "well, well, just die at Armageddon then" (as we were walking away). I am pretty sure that jws were a bit more honest about this 25 years ago, than they are today. I`m thinking that that whatever little honesty there ever were, disappeared as the "theocratic warfare"-crap became an acceptable tactic for all jws. I remember the story about that slut in Sodom or Gomorrah that hid the angels from the sex-hungry homos that wanted to pork them, by lying to them, and she was held up to be such an example for the rest of us. Lie, lie, lie, we could all lie our asses off, if it served "the truth". Personally, I liked old-school jws better than that new lying breed. My granny was never very subtle, but at least I could trust her to be telling the truth. These days, when a jw opens his/her mouth, it`s impossible to tell whether the words that are coming out, are lies or truth. It`s all very annoying...

  • Cherish


    I dont think she told me that its just my own interpretation but will ask about it on my next study.

  • plmkrzy
    You need a new study conductor...or even better, none at all...


  • JT

    with the wt teaching that 99% are on satan side, it is pretty clear what they REALLY Think-

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