Your going to the meetings whether you like it or not!

by Atlantis 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Atlantis




    Thank you for your comments! So many of these experiences sound as though many people are reading from the same book!

    I felt so sorry for the young children of 4 or 5 years old forcing themselves to stay awake at the meetings. They would drop their heads wanting to go to sleep and force themselves to wake-up out of fear that their mom or dad would catch them. It was heartbreaking when they were caught and taken to the restroom for correction.

    Thank you friends! Cheers! Atlantis & Nevada-

  • Effervescent

    Ah... the good old, "if you were an Isrealite child they would stone you" routine... I remember that one quite vividly! My Dad had beating down to an art form. Quite a few times I can remember hiding bruises from my friends in gym class... although I don't remember why I did that. I think I was afraid he would get in trouble and then I would get worse because he'd be mad at me.

    I thought this was interesting-

    Some parents argue that they do not make their children attend because they do not wish to force them into the truth; they believe in waiting until the child is old enough to take its own stand. When the child reaches an age of responsibility it will take its own stand, but why not give it a good start during its formative years, a start along the right path that leads to life, instead of letting it alone for it to become a prey to childish folly and Satan? Protect the child from itself and others.?

    I like the usage of the word "it". It served to show me how children are looked on as objects with no individuality.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Is it true that Jehovah's Witness children are "forced" to go to the Kingdom Hall?

    Oh yes. Sit for HOURS for no reason other than making one (or both) parent(s) content. HOURS over YEARS wasted for a child. No choice. Freedom of religion? lol - only over a certain age.

  • Atlantis



    Thank you both for your interest! Yes, many parents had these correction times down to a science. I was also appauled at the use of the word "it" in those quotes. Makes a person think the Watchtower was referring to a "thing" instead of a living child!

    Thank you! Atlantis & Nevada-

  • restrangled

    I remember my dad would start snapping his fingers at my brothers and me. Then there would be an unbuckled belt, and finally outside for a beating.

    Seems there was always wailing and screaming punctuating any talk.

    I remember an awful lot of belts being adjusted around the KH when we stood for songs.



    As a kid I loved going to Meetings and out in the Service..My parents could beat any answer they wanted out of me..Hit Over Head 2...OUTLAW

  • Honesty
    1. Can't you wait to go to the bathroom until the meeting is over? 2. Go to the bathroom now, because when we get into the car to go to the assembly, we are not stopping! 3. If you don't answer at the meeting today there will be no TV tonight! 4. You were looking around and not paying attention at the meeting and if it happens again, your going to get a good whipping!

    My ex wrote this.

  • becca1


    I could fall asleep as long as it wasn't the CO's visit.

  • serotonin_wraith

    I never had a choice, from 0 - 16, and only gained a choice when I moved away from them. There is no freedom in that religion as a child.

    If one of their children speaks up and says how much they love being at the meetings, they hold it up as a shining example of the child's own thinking. But the child's 'own thinking' is only allowed when the words have been pre-approved by the parents.

    It has left me with a certain hate of any religion, but I'm learning as the years go on not to laugh inside at everyone who is religious. For some people it works, but not everyone, and certainly not unwilling children.

  • Atlantis





    Thank you friends for your participation! It seems like the same story was true in the congregations and even as "Honesty" said, many of the parents even said the very same words.

    You wonder why the JWs teach that children are an inheritance from Jehovah, then turn around and abuse them so badly!

    But unfortunately, it still goes on today, and now the JW children not only have to worry about the whippings, they have to worry if they are going to be sitting next to some child pervert just waiting to get their hands on them. I feel sorry for the children in the Kingdom Halls!

    Thanks again! Atlantis & Nevada-

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