Your going to the meetings whether you like it or not!

by Atlantis 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Atlantis


    What a terrible thing to say to a child! I know that you are very glad to be away from that kind of talk and influence. You must feel a heavy weight has been lighted as many of us feel.

    Thank you! Atlantis & Nevada-

  • juni


    Only a handful really have shared their personal stories. It is painful.


    Thank you Atlantis and Nevada for taking the time to personally answer each person's post.

    Most sincerely,


  • Atlantis


    Our pleasure Juni! Our pleasure.

    And we thank you Juni for being a wonderful part of helping others.

    Thank you! Atlantis & Nevada-

  • 95stormfront

    This thread does bring back some disturbing memories I have of me making my son stand in the back of the hall during weekday school nights to keep him awake during meetings when I was one of their worker drones.

    I made up for it, though, during his teen years when my wife wanted to force him to go to meetings.

    I used the "head of the house" card and she reluctantly complied.

  • Atlantis


    I made up for it, though, during his teen years when my wife wanted to force him to go to meetings.

    Good for you 95! At least you were able to do something to stop some of the abuse! Good show!

    Thank you ! Atlantis & Nevada-

  • Carmel

    Oh did this bring back memories!! I remember seeing my older brothers severly beaten for the slightest infraction and especially not being home to go to the meetings. I managed to avoid a lot ot the abuse until after I was baptized when I opened my eyeds and took stock in the hypocracy. It came to a head when I stood down my father who was want to whip me with a fan belt. Two days later I hit the road.


  • unbeliever

    When I would go to sleep my at the KH my mom would pull my hair, ear or pinch me and I would get the most nasty look. Then when we got home she would make me sit in a on a hard wooden chair for an hour. It did not matter if it was late at night or even a school night. I guess I was one of the fortunate ones. I told my dad what was happening and he had his lawyer send her a letter threatening to take her to court so she had no choice but to quit. That was one of several letters dads lawyer sent mom to keep her in line.

    When I was about 12 she said that I could not go with her to NY to visit Bethel because of my bad attitude. I gave her a big smile and jumped in the air and went YES thank you Jehovah for not making me endure a boring ass trip to Bethel!!! I know she wanted to smack me in the face but that would have landed her in court so she controlled herself. I cannot believe she gets upset that she is not allowed to take the grandchildren to KH. I've confronted her on how she treated my brothers and I when we were little and she says she does not remember. What a lame ass excuse.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    My brother and I hated meetings as children because about 50% of the time we ended up getting a spanking, first at the hall, but later when they told parents not to beat their kids at the hall, then we got it when we got home. To be fair, the other 50% of the time, we would get a treat after if we sat quiet. Still, treat or not, when the meeting was cancelled or parents weren't going for some reason, we cheered! My parents would say, "you're supposed to like going to the KH."

    I never spanked my own son at the meeting or afterwards, despite much well-meaning advice to do so and criticism from my family. He actually loved to go to the Kingdom Hall. He was an only child and loved to go visit everyone. It was hard for him to sit though, so we usually got a treat afterwards. Which just goes to prove the beating method just instills hatred in kids for the meetings. Now, my son does not believe a word of it though, and he wanted to stop going when he was 13 and I let him. Now we are both out. When you don't beat fear into your children, an amazing thing happens to them. They become people who can think for themselves. Much to the society's chagrin. Let's face it, if they stopped verbally beating the flock, how many would they have left?


  • SirNose586


    What a terrible thing to say to a child! I know that you are very glad to be away from that kind of talk and influence. You must feel a heavy weight has been lighted as many of us feel.

    Thank you! Atlantis & Nevada-

    There were many times when I was taken outside or into a bathroom for being fidgety or disruptive, but that one experience is unforgettable. When I heard my dad say that, I knew one of two things was wrong: either my dad was at wit's end and he spouted a big lie right there, or there was something wrong with God for killing children who didn't sit perfectly still at the meetings. Either way, it was food for thought, even at such a young age.

  • Juniper123

    Add another for the "damn I thought it was going to be a paradise because there were going to be no meetings ever, ever, again" pile. My parents were kind but I still hated all the meetings except the book study cause it was neat to be at someone else's house, but I never understood how the watchtower took about five minutes to read but about eleventy hours to talk about. Mainly I hated wearing an itchy dress and tight shoes, and the other girls who looked down on me because I didn't have a new dress every sunday and wore frilly dress socks instead of tights because I couldn't stand tights. And know that these were "good" girls, the only true christians, the happiest people on earth, the people who snickered and stopped talking when I walked by, the people I should count as my only associations. And that kids at school who were kind to me, and who wanted to invite me to their birthday parties were bad, immoral, and the kicker, Worldly. Did ever "Bad Associations Spoil Useful Habits" get tossed around my KH and house.

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