...the attack on Jericho by the Israelites?
Yes, I know, this is controversial, but let's think about it. We've been saying all week how the JW concept of Armageddon is so horrible, for it teaches that God is about to do on a large-scale what we saw in New York and Washington last week. Yes, it is a horrible teaching. But let's think backward, to Bible accounts of slaughter. Was it really all that different?
bin Laden warned America weeks ago that this was coming. He has long been an enemy of this country, and made no secret of his disdain for our 'infidel' status in his eyes. The loss of life last week, so awful to us, was cheered by bin Laden's supporters, who view this country as the Great Satan, and condemned by their God. We are dogs in their eyes, deserving of death.
We rightly are repelled by such thoughts, for they are inhuman and inhumane. But consider the account of the destruction of Jericho, just one of many such accounts in the Bible.
Israel sent spys warning Jerico that destruction was coming. They were Jericho's enemy, and made no secret of their disdain for their pagan status in their eyes. When the walls of Jerico fell, the loss of life was cheered by the Israelistes, who viewed Jereico as deserving of destruction, and condemened by their God. They were dogs in their eyes, deserving of death.
Serioulsy, what is the difference? In each case you had religious extremists who used their religious ideas to condemn someone else, attack them in God's name, and rejoice at their destruction. You can imagine neighboring nations back then looking on in horror at this attack on innocent people.
Today, the Christians will viciously condemn what happened last week in this country, and vow revenge. But they will also support and defend all the atrocities that the Israelites did in the Bible. "That's different," they say, "God was behind them." Yeah? Well that's what bin Laden says today, so skip the excuses. Nobody wants to hear about a bloodthirsty God who supports the death of innocents.
(Ignore that there is no archaeological support for the fall of Jericho -- assume it is true. Also, if you claim that the Jerichoites, or Canaanites, deserved to die for their lifestyles, just remember that many of the innocents who died in the WTC probably did things that Christians would condemn. Did that justify their fiery death last week?)
So? How do Christians defend the Bible when it contains accounts of atrocities very similar to what happened last week? How can anyone be horrified by last week's events, and discuss Bible events in a calm voice over breakfast?