Hello Rex, I asked you a few simple questions:
Do you consider the WTC incident to be a blessing?
Could God have prevented it from happening? If he could and didn't, what do that tell us about God.? If God could NOT prevent it from happening, what do that tell us about God? According to the Bible not even a sparrow dies without God's knowlegde.
In response you bleated thus:
Hi Norm,
Are you now interested in becoming a real Christian? If not, I am not wasting much time with you. It is a fact that skeptical questions about anything never end. Answers for all questions do not exist.
Of course you wont waste any time with me, knowing you are unable to answer the most simple straightforward questions, like the ones I asked you.
Norm:Do you consider the WTC incident to be a blessing?
Rex: It is a tragedy. God will turn some events to the good (and many blessed events have happened since then: the love and compassion of the world and the unification of Americans as well as other peace-loving people is now apparent.
Wow! So you agree it is a tragedy? Well, we all KNOW it is a tragedy, We know that our fellow human beings are capable of love and compassion, but do God have to kill 6000 people to accomplish that? Do you go out and kill a lot of other people’s loved ones so their relatives can feel unified, love and compassion? Great “answer” Rex, your god must be extremely attractive.
Norm: Could God have prevented it from happening?
Rex: God can do anything except violate His own nature.
I see, so what you are saying here is that it is in God’s nature to turn his back to such horrible mass slaughter. Well, no surprises here. Wonderful God you worship.
Norm: If he could and didn't, what do that tell us about God.?
Rex: Not a thing. YOU want 'freedom from morality', to be the 'Captain of your fate', Norm. Now live with it and quit whining.
LOL, so if God had the power to stop this from happening and he didn’t it doesn’t tell us anything about him? Great “answer” Rex, and again, what a great God you worship! Then you show your true “Christian” color and launches into the usual gibberish about “morality”. As a moral entity I and most human beings are far above your God, when it comes to moral and ethics as we would have stopped the mass murder. Your monster God didn’t, but you still cling to you imaginary friend. To ask you questions that you are unable to answer, isn’t whining Rex, we leave all the whining to you.
Norm: If God could NOT prevent it from happening, what do that tell us about God? According to the Bible not even a sparrow dies without God's knowledge.
Rex: Read the book of Genesis, Norm. The answers are there. Read the gospels and see the ultimate answer. Read Romans and learn the theology of the church. Read John and see the deity of Christ. Read the letters of Paul and see the answers to man's many problems caused by his own depravity, which is squarely where the blame for all evil lies.
Read it many times Rex, there are no answers there except it show us what a despicable perverted God you worship. No human being has ever come close to the perversity and depravity of your God Rex. You of course know it but you still cling to the monster.
Norm: Please explain Rex.
Rex: It does you no good apparently. But thanks for the platform to inform the lurkers.
Of course it will do me good Rex, I would feel great if you for once could be honest, but as we can all see, you seem unable to be honest about the most simple things.
Rex: Where did I 'fail miserably'?
Oh, you have just demonstrated to us all including the lurkers, your total impotence and inability to address the most simple questions about your precious God, but you are right about one thing, with your every post and comment here you do inform the lurkers how utterly revolting your religion is. In this regard you are even better than the Watchtower.