How was the WTC attack any different than...

by Seeker 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    Seeker: I like your observations, and they are definately food for though.
    One thing comes to mind that was different to me on this subject.
    God directly told abraham of the promise he would make concerning the promised land and that it would be given to him and his offspring.
    This info. was passed down to the decendants of his and it was binding for them.
    Did there come a time when the promise was fullfilled and the LAND of Israel was no longer an issue with God?
    I don't know the anwer to my own question here, but could this be the case? If one should fight over a piece of property.
    According to many christian beliefs....God will turn his attention there (or to it's decendants) wherever they live..and a remnant of them will believe in his son's sacrafice.
    That is the only promise to israel (the jews) I am aware of.
    I guess my point is...if the promise was fullfilled of israel getting the land...then bin laden nor anyone else has any buisness fighting for it.

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    One final note:

    The radicals that crshed the planes were NOT EVEN GOOD MUSLIMS! They even blew their chance at 'paradise' by parading around American strip bars before they went on their mission. By Islamic doctrine they will be going to hell.
    ^This whole thing is a 'cult of personality' with them seeing their leader as god! This bunch is a cult that specializes in death.

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