Of course, abandon, you believe what you WANT to believe...every word on evolution theory is gospel to you.
I at least have studied the subject and can go over the strengths and weaknesses of the theory at length. You fail to even follow the example set by the Boreans; when a new teaching was presented to them they did thorough research. They didn't say "Oh, I don't understand it therefore I am right" as you do - they had a less arrogant attitude.
I know evolution isn't gospel.
The gospel is an unchanging set of evidence that does not prove the existence of god or even prove that Jesus is more than a story. There is no real evidence. At the end of the day you believe something because you were told it by someone who read it in the Bible or read it in the Bible yourself, yet can you prove the Bible?
Do you even know (for example) that the Great Flood in the Bible has to be a myth as we know beyond reasonable doubt there was no global flood when the Bible says there was. The Great Pyramid in Egypt was built several hundred years BEFORE the supposed date of the Biblical Flood for example, and there are other examples of structures and even of TREES that were alive when the Bible insists the entire world was covered in water.
Evolutionary theory on the other hand is informed by the fossil record and corrected when new discoveries are made, or theories that better explain the evidence are develeped.
Unlike your belief in god which doesn't change even when the 'evidence' you use to base your beliefs on is shown NOT to be an inspired or accurate guide, if the evidence that I use to support my beliefs is shown to be incorrect or misunderstood, then I change what I believe in to fit in with this funny thing we call 'reality'.
Oh, I would appreciate you not lying about what I think and would ask you to also have the common deceny to spell my name right. Or is lying and rudeness the new Christian thing?
The very idea that our perfect human body evolved from primoral soup over billions of years is unconceivable to me.
Oh good god; biological organisms are NOT perfect. For example, during human evolution the layout of the human body gradually changed to make modern speech possible; these changes included the windpipe slowly moving to a position in which speech as we know it was possible. However, this change in layout meant that humans became the only mammal that can choke on it's food by inhaling it into it's windpipe.
If we had been designed the creator would have easily been able to ensure that humans could speak without making them suseptable to choking. So humans are not perfect (that is just ONE example), and their bodies show that we were not designed as they are the result of slow change.
You might not be able to understand evolution. You haven't studied it, so why should you expect to understand evolution - or are you that arrogant you assume that if you don't understand it it isn't possible? Do you understand how the sun produces light? I figure not in any detail. Does this mean that the sun won't cast light because you don't understand how it works? Obviously not.
At least we agree on Santa.
So what is the difference between Santa and God? You have ignored it when previously it was pointed out that you and a Shaman have the same basis of beliefs and the same level of proof of your beliefs as each other. Yet both of you feel that your own opinbion is true.
Rather than telling us from a totally uninformed perspective what the problems with evolution is, and falling over your own tongue by showing how little you know of the subject, why don't you actually do some reasearch into the inadequacies of your own belief structure?
Or is ignorance blissful?