My mom went to the Sunday meeting and a missionary that was formerly in the congregation was showing (boring) slides about the "work" in Africa. When he showed some pictures of some Witnesses, they were dressed in what he called "Messianic Attire". He told the audience that it was no big deal that they were being allowed to continue this style of dress by the Society since it was merely seen as "cultural". My mother was quite disturbed and confused by the statement. When she told me of this, I said, "then celebrating birthdays should be allowed too since it's "cultural" to do so".......She agreed.--------- What's your thinking on this one???
African JWs Can Keep "Messianic" Attire Because It's There Culture!
by minimus 105 Replies latest jw friends
They are afraid to push in a place that they know they will lose out on. Africans seem to be happy to take on Western dress when it is their choice. Many totally take offence when TOLD they 'should' not wear the clothes from their culture. If the Org. insisted on 'western' standards in Africa, they wouldn't stand a chance. I wish they WOULD. That poor continent has enough problems w/o the WT running any of their lives.
I found a site for Messianic clothes and other paraphenalia. Saw a nice T shirt with the Hebrew tetragrammaton on it.
Isn't Polygamy cultural in Africa?
Polygamy is cultural as well as voodo.
Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly is "Messianic attire"? Do they wear fringed flowing robes and crowns of thorns?
I believe the robes are part of the "look".
They bow to tradition, and even fashion, when it suits there purpose. A few years ago, it was the fashion in our hall and others in the area for brothers to have their heads shaved, or hair cut very short. One or two thought this was worldly, for the same reason beards were frowned upon, but nothing was said to anyone as far as I know. That may, of course, been because the po's two sons had their heads shaved. Yet some Asian sisters were advised not to dress in traditional clothes in case they stumbled someone, as the way the elders saw it, these clothes were worn for religious purposes and not every day attire, though most of the Asians in our area seemed to dress like that most of the time.
In the case of these African brothers, the wts are probably apprehensive about saying too much. They won't risk losing people for the sake of imposing western - style dress on them, as much as they'd probably like to.
But should they dress and look like the Messiah??? Anyway, this religion is an American one and for them to broaden out, they must stretch their rules. Someday, 5 years from now, a WT. will say how WRONG it is and disrespectful it is to dress in this way and BLAME the African Witnesses and tell them that they adopted this dress on their own and Jehovah never liked it!