If you pinch yourself, and you can feel it, you are in no ones dream....try it now!
by BlackSwan of Memphis 90 Replies latest jw friends
If you pinch yourself, and you can feel it, you are in no ones dream....try it now!
Ok hang on a second...
Howdy Y’All!!!!
Ok well considering my 4 year old has a thing about pinching me daily, I'm quite certain I'm wide awake.
If you dreamed you pinched yourself and dreamed you felt it, you'd feel it.
Ok hang on a second...
Howdy Y’All!!!!
FINALLY!!! I can't believe I'm on this site, I'm leaving.
I can't believe I'm on this site, I'm leaving.
Don't Go! All the plants are gonna die!
Don't Go! All the plants are gonna die!
Is that an E.T. reference?
That is the question, why doesn't god come down here?
I don't know. Ask her. So, what would it take for you to believe in said God?
Putting in a permamnent appearance of some kind, of course. Can't she do that? We are supposed to be her kids. What kind of mother is she, anyway, that she flocks off like an absentee parent? A bit like my jw mother, i would say, who never wants to speak to me again.
Exactly Satanus! Is it tough love? If so, what's the point? What about the starving children? Is the point that important?
Ok that proves it We're all here, and God is probably here,