If she looked like yoda's wife or pamela anderson really wouldn't matter. I mean, this is god we're talking about here. As a residence, she could have a palace in england, a beaver lodge in canada, a skyscraper in the usa, a pyramid in egypt, a gold/gem covered mosque in saudi arabia, a hotel in israel. She wouldn't have to intervene that much. She could affect huge changes through the simple act of blissing out people who came to her by filling them permanently w divine love/pleasure/serenity. Those blissed ones returning to their homes would do the changes. Of course, being goddess, she would be open for business 24/7 at all of her locations. She could have a different avatar in each of her residences. How's that for a start?
Now that is one rocking goddess. I think if she looked like Yoda's wife though, people might get a little freaked. Maybe?
Ok, I'm tired. This is an intersting thread. Hm, wonder what I'll wake up to???/