what would be "proof" of God's existance to someone?

by BlackSwan of Memphis 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • dido

    heathen- i believe you as i have had some attacks, and i know my bro`s house is haunted, loads of family have experienced scary stuff there, and some hadn`t even known about it until they were there.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    heathen and dido:

    you guys are holding out on me!!! Stories! But I totally understand why. Once you share a story you open yourself up to a lot of criticism and personal attacks.

    I wish more then anything else in the world, I could experience something that makes me say "holy crap, this is real" and then "uh oh, get the priest."

    That being said:

    I DO have a friend who had a very real experience with a ghost. And this guy is Not given to exaggeration and unless someone knows how to get invisible and turn the cap on a gallon of milk, I doubt there is a 'rational' explanation.

  • dido

    BSoM- i had night attacks, and they were REAL, but won`t go into detail about them on here, but can tell you some stuff about my bro`. He lives in a smallholding in Cambridge, England, and he has got resident ghosts or spirits whatever you like to call them. Loads of people in the family and friends have each experienced things there, and hardly anyone goes there anymore now. Things like his drums playing in the night, and his organ too. Doors slamming for no reason, cups swinging, things moving about, cold areas, i could go on and on, spooky eh?

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    That does sound spooky, but oddly, very cool!

    Is it weird that I would love to have my house haunted?

    Thanks for sharing, and if you're so inclined, feel free to pm me with more stories.

    Otherwise really, truly, thanks for sharing for your experience!!!

  • Warlock

    Easy you two. You might get accused of having 'sleep paralysis' and telling 'campfire tales'. Certainly NOT from me, though. I believe you.


  • dido

    Ok, will pm you about my personal experience. Just another thing about my bro`s house, he called the vicar in to exorcise the ghost, and it slammed the door on him after he done his little speech etc. scared him stiff!

  • Warlock

    Scared him? It's scaring me!


  • dido

    Really Warlock? Have you ever had an experience with ghosties and things that go bang in the night?

  • heathen

    Sounds like there's a ghost hunter show in there somewhere .LOL Had I just mentioned ghosts I think they would have been less uptight but my situation went beyond that so obviously according to the j-dubbys I must be demon possesed . I have posted my experience before and was treated more kindly by the board than by the cult . I already said it seemed miraculous to me . Hard to tell that story without seeming a bit looney, you do kinda have to be there to understand . I didn't even tell the entire congregation my story just some family and the guy I studied with , man the gossip mill went hay wire ....

  • daystar


    For what it's worth, if I had spoken of some of the "paranormal" experiences I had while still a JW, I'm sure I would have received much the same response.


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