Ever snitch on anyone???
Did You Ever "Report" Someone (Or Yourself) To The Elders???
by minimus 44 Replies latest jw friends
BlackSwan of Memphis
When I was 14 or so, a jw friend of mine told me the details about what she and her jw boyfriend were doing.
I told she had to go to the elders. She didn't go, so I did. And she told them I was lying.
Years later, I took myself. I confessed my sins and was put on reproval which took me about a year and a half to get rid of. I had switched halls while under restriction and at my new hall (which was my old one from when I was younger) they forgot about me.
The wanderer
Yes, sad to say, and I do truly regret it.
I reported a sister (like a good Nazi spy)
who was engaging in a sexual affair.
I have had to live with that for quite a
number of years now, and I still have not
fully forgiven myself over it.
The Wanderer -
No. I never had any dirt on someone who didn't have dirt on me!
Yes i wrote a d'a letters to the elders years ago as did something wrong and decided to d'a and keep it quiet! However my husband told his mum and my best friend found out and told them all exactly what i did but as i was sorry they kept me in (without any reproof of anything!) wish i'd left when i had the chance to now though!
Yes I did, two times for seeing brothers smoking, I just wanted to be a fine example of the perfect Stazi police!
Yes I turned myself in. What a dork I am!--but a JW I worked with threatened to tell on me. I went to an office Christmas party when I was 21, got drunk for the first time--way wasted I might add on champagne, danced for the first time in my life, and I was the talk of the whole office. I was such a shy little goody goody JW that I shocked everyone. I have the best memories of that night--best night of my life.
I told the elders I didn't want to be a JW anymore, so they promptly disfellowshipped me. Shocked all the JWs too, because 2 months before I had been very regular at the meetings for years by myself with no JW family. What I remember the most about the attitude of these elders that I had known for years was the look of disgust on some of their faces, so judgemental. But one elder said thanks for being so honest--he got disfellowshipped within a year after my little judicial committee meeting.
By the way, their words to me were "The charge is public drunkenness."
Sort of, twice I talked to the person and told them I was the only one who knew but that they should say something to the elders or I would...not much nicer.
I have no regrets turning in a pedophile but to the police.
I never did, but I was turned in alot when I was a teenager. But, when I finally left the org in 92, I did admit to my dad the elder when I had committed fornication (when if finally did happen 3 months after I left home) so they he could get with the elders and I would be disellowshipped.
Good Girl or Bad Girl?
Never anyone else. Never would do that. Though I could have.
But I was a sucker when it came to me: thought I would go to the elders and get healed so as to ease my guilty conscience. Turns out there's no hope for me, LOL.