Yes my 1st wife.
Then my oldest son. IF ONLY i could change back the clock.
by minimus 44 Replies latest jw friends
Yes my 1st wife.
Then my oldest son. IF ONLY i could change back the clock.
Mouthy, do not feel so bad, it takes two to Tango as the saying goes. You only did what was beat into your head and the extended generations decided for themselves. Think of all the good you have done here! I think you officially should feel guilt free at this point!
Nothing worse NOW, knowing that YOU turned in one of your own.
Myself. At a certain point I did some inadvisable things with a girl I knew (though nothing that qualified as "porneia"). I truly believed I had to go to the elders to have a "good relationship with Jehovah" and to have a "clear conscience." I ended up getting reproved.
Unfortunately the elders on my case severely mishandled it--there were two different judicial committees (one for me and one for the girl) and we got different punishments and different judgments. They wouldn't meet with me for weeks, keeping me on pins and needles the whole time, and I had to finally complain bitterly to even get them to take the time to tell me my punishment. Also many people questioned the judgment since no sex of any kind took place.
Later I tried to talk to one of the elders on my committee about it. "Hey Brother Elder? I wanted to talk to you about what happened. Now, I'm not questioning the decision or..." He interrupted: "I could care less if you agree with the decision." I said, "Umm... listen, I just had a question about how it qualified as..." Him: "It sounds like you don't agree with the decision after all." At that point I just walked off. This elder has since inherited millions of dollars and is one of the richest people in the circuit. He's an arrogant asshole.
It became widely known in our circuit as an example of bungling judicial committees. Yay for being the poster boy.
Mouthy, do not feel so bad, it takes two to Tango as the saying goes. You only did what was beat into your head and the extended generations decided for themselves. Think of all the good you have done here! I think you officially should feel guilt free at this point!
Thanks THAT answer made me cry((((((((((HUGS))))
I was stupid enough to turn myself in thinking the elders would help me. It turned out that was impossible. - bavman
Bav, it DID help though, cuz it probably helped you to see the true light and come here!!
I saw an unbaptised JW smoking once. I told him he should turn himself in, but he never did. I wasn't actually going to turn him in, but I did tell another JW who told his elder father, who then met with me, so I felt forced into it.
The unbaptised smoker had already been seen by several Witnesses, but had promised he'd stop, so after I seen him, he was spoken too again, but he only got spoken too, as he was unbaptised. His father was an elder though, and he was DELETED because of his son's smoking, but I didn't care much because he was an idiot anyway, and he was trying to help our power mad Secretary become PO.
His son has left now, he was never baptised. To this day his father insists that me and all the other Witnesses who seen him smoking were lying. He says his son would have stayed in if we hadn't forced him out with our lies!
I think the kid was just using it as an excuse, fair enough though, and if it really did force him out, then I think I did him a favour!
Yes, my dad for smoking. And I was just a kid at the time.
speaking of which, u_b, you still have yet to tell me your full story... (of course, this may indeed qualify). i know you have a limited amount of time to do so, considering your circumstances, but i'm still interested. also, dunno if you heard (probably, considering the witness grapevine), but my little brother just got df'd.
Nope never told on anyone -- just myself (twice). I learned my lesson though and (a third time) when a family member told me to go to the elders, I told him to go to hell and when the elders called I never responded. Faded at that point.
The guilt they heap on you for "having a clean consciense" is immense.