Never anyone else. Never would do that. Though I could have.
But I was a sucker when it came to me: thought I would go to the elders and get healed so as to ease my guilty conscience.
Damn......whoops. No wonder you and I get along. I did the same thing. Turning myself in never eased my conscience, though.
Yup, Warlock, you are right; it never does ease your conscience. What it did for me though is make me feel emotionally/mentally/physically drained and also remind me that I am an evil, terrible person. Until I woke up and realized that they are not my authority and if they say they aren't doing those same things I was doing they are big liars.
Oh yeah and also it made me realize what a sucker I am because I definitely was in the minority - I found out what all my friends were doing and how none of them turned themselves in! What a sap I was.
Oh well, I'm over it by now.