What ever happened to homosexual GB member Leo Greeenlees, is he dead now?
by chiddy 54 Replies latest jw friends
looky here-----------> http://www.freeminds.org/bethel/leo_greenlees.htm
in part:
Leo Greenlees was forced out of Bethel in 1984 for practicing pedophilia. Seems he was fooling around with a ten year old boy, got caught, and the parents complained to the Society. After a Governing Body session, Greenlees was told to get out. He ended up in some congregation and died a few years later, sometime in the late 1980s.
hope that helps...
So what you're saying, all he suffered was a loss of privileges, didn't get dfd or reprimanded? If he was stood down that means they've had concrete evidence on him and not only allegations. If that happened to anyone else among R&F they would have hastily disfellowship the person in order to "keep organization clean".
So much for equality among JW, the higher up you are the easier it gets to cover your ass. -
all he suffered was a loss of privileges, didn't get dfd or reprimanded?
It's not that unusual for the wts to cover up stuff like this. Their way of keeping the congregation clean seems to be to preserve it's reputation.
I love this site. First I've heard of this. Sick of hearing about how everyone in the congregation loved their trip to Bethel/Vatican. These are the "truths" you never hear.
For example, in 1984, Governing Body member Leo Greenlees was convicted by the rest of the JW Governing Body of molesting a young boy. Greenlees was forced to leave Bethel but was never reported to the police, and he was assigned to be a "Special Pioneer" for the Society until his death a few years later.
Leo GreenleesGoverning Body member Leo K. Greenlees was forced to resign and leave Bethel in late 1984. He entered the Toronto, Canada Bethel in 1936, eventually becoming treasurer of the Canadian branch and of the IBSA of Canada. In 1964 he went to Brooklyn Bethel, and in 1965 was elected as a director of the Society's New York corporation. As a director Greenlees automatically became a "governing body" member when that body was formally instituted in 1971. He often spoke at Gilead graduations, and was the concluding speaker for the day at the Watchtower Centennial business meeting at Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on October 6, 1984. A 1982 Watchtower mentions him as being on the Teaching Committee of the Governing Body. Greenlees' last mention in Watchtower publications is in the December 1, 1984 Watchtower where he is said to have passed out diplomas at the September Gilead graduation. In late 1984, Greenlees was allegedly convicted by the rest of the Governing Body of molesting a ten year old boy. The boy's parents had complained to the Society and it took action. Greenlees was a friend of the family and often visited them. After leaving Bethel Greenlees served as a Special Pioneer and eventually an elder in the "Downtown" congregation in New Orleans, Louisiana. He died in the late 1980s. Interestingly, the boy who Greenlees molested applied for Bethel service a few years later, around 1991, and was rejected. Watchtower leaders apparently feared that other Bethelites would tell him the 'rumors' about Greenlees, not knowing that he was Greenlees' victim, and cause the young man to know that justice had not been done. He might then have confirmed the rumors
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/11/5466/1.ashxName Birth Death Last Residence Last Benefit SSN Issued Tools Order
Record?LEO K GREENLEES 06 Jun 1911 17 Feb 1988 11201 (Brooklyn, Kings, NY) (none specified) 081-44-5620 New York -
Interesting topic.
I can confirm that higher-ups can sometimes face a loss of privileges for otherwise serious sins. I wish I knew details, but the person who told me (the CO) told me in hushed tones and was short on details. We had had an elder do something (can't remember what) that seemed to merit judicial action, but was somewhat borderline (I look back now in amazement at how legalistic we were!) The CO said that he knew of a fellow CO who got involved in something he shouldn't have with a sister and was given the choice (no choice really) of face a commitee or be demoted to elder back in his former congregation. I was a little disturbed to be honest. Being an elder definitely caused me to question the 'truth'.
So what you're saying, all he suffered was a loss of privileges, didn't get dfd or reprimanded? If that happened to anyone else among R&F they would have hastily disfellowship the person in order to "keep organization clean".
Actually, no, that probably wouldn't happen. That's the whole problem in the Organization that's been exposed in the last few years: they apparently don't disfellowship any pedophiles regardless of whether they're a member of the Governing Body, or just an R&F member. Unless of course, the child has "two eye witnesses" to the molestation. That would appear to mean that they're far more concerned about the Organization's "reputation" and how they appear to outsiders, than what they are actually keeping the "congregations clean". Funny thing is about Leo Greenlees, is that he performed the marriage for my parents in the 1950s....we've got pictures of him in my parents' wedding album shaking their hands after the ceremony.
Mary does your parents Know about Him? I would tell them. That might make them realise the WT is an undercover Mafia....
Dear Blondie,
As always, your rock!