Ladybug, since I was a little girl I have had terrible demonic experiences.
They stopped when I left the JW's "in my mind for good"....after I was about 35 years old.
I will tell you this, there is no one that can convince me they were not real or did not happen. It was physical and mental.
It quite definitely is "physical and mental" (i.e. 'of the mind', not 'deranged')
2 things stand out for me. When I was a little girl, I use to sleep with my cat. I was petting the cat and suddenly the cat turned to iron (like a door stop) and out of the corner of the room came a white aberation telling me to hate god, over and over again
I started screaming for my parents.
The other was when I was young teenager and we had someone at bethal come and stay at our home. They were given my bedroom and I was to sleep on a mattress downstairs.
After watching the slide show, I slipped into that bed and suddenly it was lifting off the floor and spining. I KID YOU NOT. I screamed and screamed, my mom and dad came running down the stairs and the damn thing landed. They did not question what happened as I had just layed down.
I had many more horrific experiences but those 2 stand out. Don't mean to scare you. To this day I do not sleep well.
I get up 4 to 5 times a night, to go out and smoke. The only difference is I have two beautiful dogs that get up and watch over me.
Why would the demons bother to stop lifting your bed simply because some powerless humans walked into the room? If the 'demons' turned your cat into a lump of iron, what good would the dogs do?
Take'll be ok. Its only while your in the JW's this crap happens as far as I am concerned.
Groups such as JWs (and others) allow a person to become convinced that demonic attacks are a possiblity, so anything that they cannot otherwise explain, (which could be purely imagined, misunderstood, or stress-induced, etc) can be put down to 'demons'.
If anyone is experiencing these conditions, they should recognize them as a symptom of a broader problem (which could be stress, lack of sleep, medication (side effect of existing, or need for), or any of various other conditions), and identify and treat the cause.
While it is convenient to get upset with anyone who denies the reality of experiences which may seem very real, it does nothing to rectify what could actually be a very real problem that has nothing to do with the paranormal.