Not sure whether the ones having these experiences are believers or non-believers (with the exception of lil), but has amyone ever heard about athiests having these experiences?
Question: Demons
by ladybug25 113 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hi startingover,
I do know an athiest that had what he calls a paranormal experience but it is usually Christians who say that demons caused it. I think I am the exception to this rule. I don't think it was a demon as I mentioned earlier - at least not in my case. why would demons want to play pranks on me? I chalk it up to just an unexplainable event. And in the future who knows - maybe someone will come up with an explanation for it. Lilly
Colin Wilson in his book Poltergeists tells the story of a house which is haunted for some two hundred years, new owners experience similar things, the house is vacant for years in-between, passers-by hear and see things from inside the house etc. Now this makes him pose the question, which i find is a very, very interesting/amusing/mind-breaking one: What are these spirits or entities doing when we are not watching, when we are not there?
lovelylil- that is incredible, now skeptics would call that a coincidence, and other`s would call it sixth sense, but either ways, it was a great escape! thanks for posting it!
Chiddy- excuse me?
under_believer- i thought the same thing!
TheOldHippie- who knows what they are doing, probably thinking up ways to scare us! Seriously, there was a programme on recently where a family swopped holidays, and one of them was to visit haunted homes. The father was a strong skeptic, and chose to stay alone in the `most haunted house` in England. He said that he did experience stuff, and it did change his mind on it.
the demon stories are just there to scare you straight.
a few anecdotes are not going to change my mind, there are no demons. I have felt something in my bed with me before, and it was just after falling asleep. It's a natural thing, and to think it is real is understandable. It's all in our heads.
Ladybug said: "I personally have NEVER had experiences but now, of course, I have fear that I will because I am leaving "Jehovah's protection" if you know what I mean. Crazy how messed up the mind can get....please help!!!"
For me, the opposite was true. I stopped believing in demons almost immediately after I bounced from the JW's, and now I don't have fear to be alone in the dark. As a JW, I was a grown azz man afraid of the dark.But to each his/her own. I am simply answering your questions that I personally don't believe in demons.
Oh, and I can't even enjoy seeing a good supernatural flick like Poltergeist or The Ring because they are nothing more than special effects created by humans. But, as a JW, having the mentality of a JW caused me to be soooo scared to see those types movies, like I was watching demons themselves. Now I can sit through any supernatural movie without fear, but that has also robbed me of feeling the suspense, simply because I don't believe in it anymore.
Anyway, I hope I'm not being too confusing...LOL!
I knew a sister who was so afraid of demons she was scared to fall asleep with the t.v. on - you know just in case a demonized show is on and while she is sleeping the demons possess her and turn her away from Jehovah. (her exact words by the way)
It was hard keeping a straight face when she told me this. Lilly
sorry a mis spell
I do not agree with the statement that demons are not real, that they are only in your head. Look at Matthew 9:32-34
Now when they were leaving, look! people brought him a dumb man possessed of a demon;and after the demon had been expelled the dumb man spoke. Well, the crowds felt amazement and said: “Never was anything like this seen in Israel.” But the Pharisees began to say: “It is by the ruler of the demons that he expels the demons.”
How can somebody else drive out something out that is in your head?
Another question, can demons be in mulitple minds, moving from one mind to the next? How do they do that? And I always though pigs were dumb, they must be pretty smart if the can make up demons in their own minds. Matthew 8:28-34
When he got to the other side, into the country of the Gad·a·renes´, there met him two demon-possessed men coming out from among the memorial tombs, unusually fierce, so that nobody had the courage to pass by on that road.And, look! they screamed, saying: “What have we to do with you, Son of God? Did you come here to torment us before the appointed time?”But a long way off from them a herd of many swine was at pasture.So the demons began to entreat him, saying: “If you expel us, send us forth into the herd of swine.”Accordingly he said to them: “Go!” They came out and went off into the swine; and, look! the entire herd rushed over the precipice into the sea and died in the waters.
I'm just curious how someone who does not believe in demons would explain these accounts...
Also I do know of an atheist who, whether in his head or not, is possessed by a demon. He is a neighbor of my friends in Africa.
I dont believe in demons and spirits of any kind, but if the bible says so it must be true!
Dido, I grow up within the limited audience, as i mentioned my father and grandfather also my mother mother appered to her in a dream though jw, we hab quite a few jws and non-jws with these experiences.
I asked them lots of questions about this and have come to my conclusions.
You being convinced about what you experienced is ok with me, I respect that.