Question: Demons

by ladybug25 113 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • done4good
    In reality, of course, demons do not exist. They are simply used, like their "good" counterparts, angels, to "explain" certain phenomena. In modern western society, the number of unexplained phenomena is much lower than in more primitive times and places, which, thankfully dilutes the harm of such beliefs. For example, we now (mostly) understand diseases such as epilepsy and schizophrenia and realise they can be better treated by doctors than priests. The danger arises when someone comes across an unexplained phenomenon, or one they are unfamiliar with - such as sleep paralysis, the likely cause of dido's experiences - and due to religious indoctrination, assumes demons to be the cause. Sometimes that doesn't matter too much, as there is an imaginary cure to go with the imaginary cause of the imaginary affliction. The right incantation to the right deity vanquishes the demons. Sometimes, however, the affects of this absurd belief are not so neutral. People may live in fear for years due to something as mundane as a clanking water pipe, because they have been conditioned to believe they are engaged in a spiritual war with invisible enemies. Or worse, they may avoid treatment for a real medical condition because they - and their loved ones - believe it to be a demon attack. Aren't we advanced enough to throw of the shackles of primitive superstition? There are no invisible people waging war for our souls, no spirits trapped in old houses, no incubi or succubi wanting to breed with us. There is only reality - actual, hard, cold, measurable, understandable, beautiful reality.



  • lovelylil


    I don't think there is documented evidence that most people will accept. I am sure there are some but I don't know of it. You really have to be in a controlled, scientific study to try and prove something like this. But I think it would be near impossible to do so. Most people unless they can "see" with their own eyes or "feel" with their own hands, will not believe.

    Actually I can think of Edgar Cayce who lived sometime in the late 1800's to early 1900's. Supposedly he healed tens of thousands of people and could forsee future events. Try searching his name on google you will find a lot about him. He is one of the most documented of all pyschics and was a Christian too. He used his "gift" he called it for the good of people and unlike some today who get rich off the predictions, Mr. Cayce did not. I think you will find his life and work interesting. His family was very open to supernatural things too and a few of them had these types of gifts but not as prominate as Edgars.

    There are other supernatural things that have been documented such as evp's - recordings of those who died caught on tape. There was one on the Montel Williams show the other day where a lady was devastated about loosing her son and cried on a daily basis. She prayed to God to be able to know for sure her son was o.k. and about a week later she came home to find on her answering machine a message from her dead son. It said "mom, I am o.k. don't worry" . She thought it must be a cruel prank and called the phone company to see who made the call. They told her no one had called her. It made the hairs on my neck stand straight up.

    Here is an experience my daughter had. (age 14). a few months ago, she had been thinking a lot about her grandpa who died and was talking out loud to him one day. She was doing this as she sat on the edge of her bed. All of a sudden she heard grandpas voice or what she thought was his voice say "Hi" right in her ear. She was so scared about it she ran out of her room and slept on the couch a few days. She was too afraid to go into her room after that. I took her in with me and said tell grandpa to leave because he is scaring you. she did and so far has not heard anything more. I assured her whatever it was - it would not hurt her.

    I don't necessarily think these things are demons like the WT says because I can't understand why they would waste their time performing what amounts to childlike halloween pranks on people. Also most people I know that have had these experiences are Christian. The bible says "if we appose the devil he will flee from us" - all Christians oppose the devil and his demons so why would we be a target?

    But I do think there are not only black/white areas to life but gray ones. Our universe has not all been explored yet and there are many things that I am sure have an explanation but we don't know what that is yet. We may very well find out these things occur due to some type of "trapped energy" or something scientific. Or that our minds for some reason are conjuring them up on its own. I know one thing for sure, I wish I had an answer now. Lilly

  • freetosee


    You really have to be in a controlled, scientific study to try and prove something like this. But I think it would be near impossible to do so.

    This has been tried repeatedly in so-called haunted houses, but failed to provide documented proof.

    We don’t see, smell or feel the electricity reaching our light bulb, yet can see the evidence of it. Off course there are gray areas and not everything in the universe is explained, that’s why we need to be extra careful in these areas. Out of these gray areas come very strong convictions which "conveniently" can’t be challenged.

    Btw, I know a few non-Christians from Africa and the Caribbean who have had ghost experienced and could relate many from their homes. We had two African sisters in our cong who practiced Voodoo before and after becoming jws, it was covert up since their where the PO’s bs’s, but that another story.

    I have been very convinced and certain about different things, definitely not alone in my thinking, and like most of us later found out I was wrong.

    I agree with Funkyderek’s post.


  • lovelylil

    Yes Derek makes some good points. I don't believe it was demons either - see my post before this one. Just that these events are unexplainable at this time. We may know more in the future due to scientific advances. For now, I chalk them up to "unexplainable". Lilly

  • freetosee

    I think derek’s post includes any kind of spirits or ghosts of dead ones.

  • sinis

    I also do not believe they exist. I have actively tried to contact them or anything in the spirit world, you know what I have found? I am talking to myself. Come one people, if demons are fallen sons of god then in reality we are nothing more than bugs. Can you imagine spending all your time getting off torturing bugs? Personally, I think its all in the head, or extreme paranoia or superstition.

  • dido

    lovelylil- i`m sure your mothers connection with witchcraft has something to do with your experiences, and it must be very scarey having that 6th sense. i would like to hear about your premonition tho` as it does fascinate me.

    fts- i`m sure that the ltd audience is because somewhere along the line there has been some interaction with spirits, take lovelylils experience, she said her mother was into witchcraft.

    funkyderek- when you experience something, you may change your mind about their existence.

  • chiddy

    The only thing is Dildo is that that 2nd before thread did not explain the full experience of the particular story

  • lovelylil


    Here is what happened to me. I am sort of a creature of habit and have been my whole life. I do everything on time every day. Some think I have some type of OCD.

    Anyway, I was 21 years old and my habit was after work on Fridays to go over to my girlfriends house and have a couple drinks (my limit is always 2) and play cards. I was not really a party girl and this may sound boring to some but I enjoyed it. I had this friend by that time about 11 years or so.

    Anyway, I lived in NY at the time and my nieghborhood was not a very good one. So I usually did not stay too late as we had a saying that I am sure you heard before "the freaks come out at night". I always left at exactly the same time 11 p.m. The walk home was about 6 blocks away. This was my habit for more than two years. Every friday - left at 11 pm. no later.

    One evening I got up to leave as the clock struck 11 pm as usual and I had an overwelming urge to sit back down. I sat down so fast my friend asks me what was wrong. She thought I was going to be ill or something. I said I don't know but I think I should stay a little longer. Within maybe two minutes - which is about the time it would have taken me to get to the front door, we heard a giant crash and the sound of glass breaking.

    We ran to the door and found that a truck had run up onto the sidewalk and came crashing through the house, right through the front door. The door I would have been at that moment going out of! My friend and I both looked at each other in utter amazement. The driver was ok turns out he fell asleep at the wheel after having a couple of drinks himself.

    Luck? maybe. If it was - I wish I had played the Lotto that night. I think instinctively I knew something was not right. Lilly

  • under_believer

    Hey, um, chiddy, I sure hope that was a mistype and not a slam! 0_o


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