We've upset someone!!

by fullofdoubtnow 25 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • sf

    Is there any way to find out who complained, exactly? Does Beehive track its traffic?

    Also, I bet if your site had a forum or feedback feature, I bet jws would post there.

    What truly amazes me the most about jws on the internet is that they blatantly "disobey Jehovah's Mouthpiece HERE ON EARTH" the governing boobs of WTBTS when it instructs them to stay far away from anything that is against it.


  • sf

    I'm even more amazed at how they try to represent themselves as "champions of free speech", yet are busy trying to shut everyone else up and/ or down. Do they seriously not see how hypoCRITICAL this is?:

    Jehovah's Witnesses in Canada: Champions of Freedom of Speech and Worship. ...
    sociology.lakeheadu.ca/uploads/Soc.3503%20YA%202005-2006%20Course%20Outline.doc - Similar pages

    One of many googles on wtbts/ jw/ free speech.


  • fullofdoubtnow


    Is there any way to find out who complained, exactly? Does Beehive track its traffic?

    Also, I bet if your site had a forum or feedback feature, I bet jws would post there.

    We know it was jws who complained, but not precisely who. We have a guestbook, but no jws have signed it. We did get a lot of emails from them though, suggesting what we do with our site. Some of them contained language you would never expect to hear a jw use, and Trev did think of sending a few samples to Bethel, but in the end he just deleted them. We won't allow them to drag us down to their level.

  • Dansk
    Some of them contained language you would never expect to hear a jw use

    I would have sent them to Bethel - to show what a depraved, filthy mouth lot they really are! You never know, they might just prick the consciences of certain individuals (one guy from Bethel used to post here discretely. He contacted me via pm and said he had to be careful because he was accessing this site from Bethel. I never heard from him again).


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi Ian,

    In the end, we just couldn't be bothered with them. We are content in the knowledge that our site is annoying them, and with the leafllet distribution we have planned, with a much more hard - hitting article on child abuse that the one we had to remove going, initially, to about 2000 local homes, hopefully before their tract campaign starts on October 16th. Details of that are here


    If people read it, and it's fairly eye - catching, it might make their ministry quite interesting locally, to say the least!


  • sf

    Thanks for the reply.

    When the leaflets are ready, I want to distribute them locally and in my hometown.

    Last Sunday I put up fliers and went door to door near my childhood k.h. with child abuse awareness websites and info. It has JESUS CANO's photo on it too.

    Your leaflets sound very promising. I can't wait to see them.


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