Do you have any phobias?

by greendawn 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Life Is Grand
    Life Is Grand

    Men are WONDERFUL spider killers, I must say!

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?


    Jehovah's Witness Elders

  • SixofNine

    being lost in a corn maze

    being hurt by a porn maize

    choking on baby corn and dying alone whilst grazing-in-line at an all night salad bar

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Men are WONDERFUL spider killers, I must say!

    I guess I need a man then. Cuz I'm not that good at it. I usually catch them in a cup and run them out the door and then do a little "get that spider off me" dance to make sure he's not there. And then I feel itchy and crawly everywhere for about an hour or so... it's pretty ridiculous all in all.

  • misanthropic

    Being IN the ocean- sharks and things you can't see that are out to get you
    Clowns- people with masks on their faces
    Complete darkness
    The closet door being open when I'm trying to sleep

  • Mulan

    Snakes and spiders definitely, especially snake. It probably stems from my older brother scaring me with harmless snakes when I was very little. I just can't take even looking at them. I change the channel, if there is anything to do with snakes on the screen.

    In recent years, I have become afraid of swimming in open water, because of sharks and other dangerous creatures. It doesn't keep me from going in the ocean but the fear is still there. I try to remember that sharks seldom come inside the reef, in Hawaii, and that they are in deeper water, where I don't go.

    In Florida, they are in more shallow water, so I wouldn't go in the ocean there again.

    I am not comfortable snorkeling anymore, it feels extremely too claustrophobic to me, and I could never scuba. I think I would have major panic attacks.

    Heights don't bother me at all, or airplane travel.

  • Schism

    Wasps! I can't even be in the same area as one. I couldn't look at a drawing of one without getting chills! I have many horror stories about them. One was the summer when my house was INFESTED, and I couldn't go a day without running across 5-8 of them ALIVE in my home! Don't know how they were getting in, and several exterminators were hired, then fired for not being able to find them. I was JUST about to move out and into a hotel over it, until *poof*, they went away and never came back. But we tried everything. We bombed the AC unit, and under the house. The place is new, and there weren't any cracks or holes visible. Satan must have been letting them in! lol

    But they were on the curtains, buzzing across the floor, hiding on the ceiling, on the pedal of the trash can, if it ever happens again, I will commit suicide for sure!

    A few months ago, I went to get my parents' mail for them (they were out of town). I only get mail at night, because I am afraid that wasps are living in all mailboxes and they will get me. As I took the newpapers from the box, I noticed these little leaves on the papers, in the light of the street lamp. NOPE! Wasps!!! I have never thrown anything, run, nor driven away so fast in my LIFE. I will never get mail or newspaper again in my LIFE. Whew, I'm getting scared just thinking about it! I knew that it would eventually happen to me, and I was right! My DH laughs because I am the worst candidate for something like that to happen to, and I'm the only person he knows who's had to have so many horrible experiences with something I am so afraid of!

    I also check under the covers before bed to make sure there aren't any wasps. And get something out of a shed??? Forget about it! I don't care if the cure for AIDS was in the shed, someone else will have to go in it to fetch it, because I won't step foot into any shed. I LOVE the winters for the simple fact the wasps aren't around! :)

    I spray Raid in the house, because I think I will miss them if I try to hit them. I also check under the table before I put my legs there because I just know one day one will be resting under there and fall into my lap. One day, I will jump off of a roof to get away from the sound of one flying and that's how I will die! LOL

    On the other hand, I am not afraid of spiders or snakes or rats or anything else. My husband CANNOT kill a spider, or be outside with a snake because he is scared of them. I can't kill a wasp, but I will kill the spiders. He kills the wasps, as he isn't scared of them. I love snakes and rats, so no one here kills them as far as I'm concerned You should see he reaction when there's a snake in the yard and he's running from it and I'm chasing after it to get a good look! LOL

  • MsMcDucket

    Yep, I have agoraphobia. I'm a hermit. I missed my calling, I should of been a Buddhist monk or something like that there.

    Spiders don't scare me unless they're on me. I don't like snakes, but I can look at them if they are behind a glass or something. I don't like driving over long bridges over vast spaces or oceans, but I will do it. I hate it when an elevator door takes more than 5 seconds to open after we gotten to the floor where it should open. I'm sure that I have other things that I hate to do or be around, but I can't think of them all. I'll let you know when it happens.

    agoraphobia cartoons, agoraphobia cartoon, agoraphobia picture, agoraphobia pictures, agoraphobia image, agoraphobia images, agoraphobia illustration, agoraphobia illustrations

  • lovelylil

    I have a real phobia to hieghts. Some people have fear of hieghts but phobias are different because you will react contrary to reason and can hurt or kill yourself in the process.

    I found out about my phobia when I was around 10 years old and went on a carnival ride with my brothers that swung up into the air. We were strapped in and I did o.k. for a second or two and then went into such a panic I almost blacked out.

    They had to stop the ride and later my brothers told me I unhooked my seat belt and tried to climb down all the while screaming and crying to get me down! I had no idea I had this problem. If I fell, I could have been hurt or worse but I just wanted to get down as fast as possible.

    It is really bad. I will not even look out a window that is above the first floor. And when they show shots on tv or movies from high - up in the sky - I get scared and have to close my eyes even though I know I am sitting in my living room. Lilly

  • juni

    We took a canoe out and were paddling through murky, duckweed infested water.

    I got feeling really panicky and we had to turn the buggy around.

    Also I am claustrophobic. We were climbing rocky ledges and there was a narrow, deep cave. Could only go in a little ways. I again felt panicky.

    Don't like centipedes/milipedes but it's not a phobia.


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