Acrophobia (fear of heights)...inherited from my mother, I think..
Used to be afraid of spiders (arachnophobia), again like my mother, until I forced myself to confront it. I had just been laid off from my first job (1992), & decided that one way to feel better might be to conquer a fear. So I went to a local pet store & asked to look at the tarantulas. The instant one of the employees brought out a big brown one & it crawled onto my hand, I thought I would pass out. But just as soon as I realized that it wasn't going to hurt me, the fear vanished..
I am embarrassed to admit this, but I also have what I now know is called emetophobia (fear of vomiting). Nobody's favorite thing to do, I am sure, but for some reason one real episode of sickness at age eight left me traumatized (fortunately it almost never happens to me). Anytime I begin to feel the slightest bit nauseated, I kind of freak out & do all sorts of things (i.e., sit absolutely still, drink lots of herb tea, etc.) in order to prevent the inevitable. I used to think it was a bizarre & unusual phobia, but now realize that I am far from alone (I believe one forum for emetophobes is