I am glad that nothing worse happened there are so many yobbos that have nothing better to do than attack innocent passers by as if like that they will prove their manhood whereas in fact they cowards.
by Dansk 95 Replies latest jw friends
Send him my *****hugs*****
They probably feel like they are cool and tough and can take on the world. Like to see them one on one.They are cowards.
Our streets are being taken over. -
At least your son managed to esape from those useless peices of flesh...I hope your son recovers from this scare soon.
we have bred a race of useless fools who are driven by a bloated sense of individuality
I couldnt agree MORE.
Ian fortunately most teenagers are not brain dead and violent, but unfortunately lots of them are brain dead and stupid. And you only need one violent one among a pack of stupid ones to create a terrible situation.
Thank god for the people who are still managing to have thinking caring socially minded children.
Yes, there are decent teenagers/children on our streets, but as has already been mentioned - it only takes a small group who are willing to use violence or the threat of violence to take control.
I have a bus shelter across the road from my place and I use it as a barometer to measure the local youths attitudes. Systematically, over the past two years it has been destroyed almost every other week. They reached a new low a fortnight ago, smearing what looked like excrement by the seating area.
The amazing this is, this group can kick up such a fuss in the neighbourhood and hardly anybody takes action. Community spirit around here is almost dead. I would prefer a group of like-minded adult males to take charge in the neighbourhood, but it is almost impossible to gather groups together nowadays, as many people just don't trust eachother and prefer to keep themselves to themselves.
I have felt like pulling on a mask, slipping out into the darkness and weilding the "rod of justice" to certain characters round here, but I know that isn't the actual solution. The real solution is longterm and starts with the educational and political system that is churning out drones who no longer appreciate ethical standards of behaviour; aspiring instead towards rank materialism in their pursuit of completeness.
Ian How awful. Thank God he is alive( so many get killed) But remember now ! this is stress for you....dont dwell on it -you must keep upbeat with your recovery. Stress could spark your health again. Karl was saved...( did they get anything valuable in the case?)
Do give him our regards....We are happy he is alive,Bruises heal !!! coffins hold.... Love you lots. -
Sorry to hear this, Ian. You've had it tough enough already, who needs this crap? I'm glad to hear your son's ok, though. Those bastards need to be taken off the street.
Sorry to hear that Ian. Regards to Karl and the rest of the posse.
Again, thank you so much for all your concern ((((((((((HUGS))))))))). I'll definitely pass on your messages to Karl! He's ok, by the way, as his sister, Stephanie, 'phoned him after us and he's feeling much better!
did they get anything valuable in the case?)
Hi Grace, (((((((((()))))))))),
Well, it was a good quality case with a lovely jumper inside and some underpants, etc! Judging by the level of intelligence exhibited by the youths they probably took them out and wore them on their heads! Still, one cannot put a price on a life and I'm thankful Karl is ok. Material possessions can be replaced.
I shan't allow myself to get stressed over this incident and I only hope Karl doesn't develop a fear of groups of people now. He said that from now on he'll take taxis from the station instead of walking. The really sad indictment on society is that he shouldn't have to!
You've had it tough enough already,
Thanks, done4good. I appreciate your thoughts!
I'm hoping he'll be here when you visit, although it's unlikely he'll be joining us at the curry!