Your wish is my command
by Dansk 95 Replies latest jw friends
Ian and Claire,
We are both so pleased that Karl is all right, and that he got his possessions back.
for Claire
Ross, Trev and Linda,
Thanks guys
I'm sorry to hear this Dansk.
a group of around 20 youths VS 1
A group of around 20 COWARDS in my book.
FOR Claire Now you put them in a vase for her Ian ( waving to Claire > keep you chin up ducks. Dont let the cowards win over your day....
Oh my bunch of flowers didnt show I am going to go & get my money back
Oh my bunch of flowers didnt show I am going to go & get my money back
LOL, Thanks, Grace ((((((((((((())))))))))))))), Ian& Claire
Sorry to hear about your son`s attack , my son`s g/friend got mugged as well last night in Uxbridge, they took her handbag, but luckily she was ok. It`s everywhere now isn`t it?
Hugs to you and your family... and very light and gentle, bruise-aware hugs to your son with speedy healing... Thanks the gods he's alright.
And Ian, regarding your quote
"I am old fashioned? What on earth are 15-16 year olds doing out on the street at 1.30 a.m? My other son is 16 and there's no way he would be allowed out at that time. Not because I'm a misery, but for his own safety!"
I think that's more the reason that it is happening in the first place. If they had parents who gave a damn and knew where they were... what would the chances be that it would be happening at all.
Strength to you. And damn... to everyone, for that matter. Just a little too "Clockwork Orange" for my taste, yeah? Anthony Burgess wrote Clockwork after he and his pregnant wife suffered a horrid attack. The original British version has a happy ending... shows that he struggled to still have hope. The damned Yanks changed the ending. Imagine what hope he had then. Sorry, I think I'm rambling.