AlanF has researched and written quite a lot about the Watchtower's concept of a 7,000 creative day.
He has also posted at least twice within the last few weeks on the very topic.
I will try to find the postings for you.
by OnTheWayOut 41 Replies latest jw friends
AlanF has researched and written quite a lot about the Watchtower's concept of a 7,000 creative day.
He has also posted at least twice within the last few weeks on the very topic.
I will try to find the postings for you.
Thanks Blondie, I knew I could count on you.
So the Creator Book is still vague like everything else, correct? I don't see any solid change.
It looks like they want everyone to forget the 7000 years and concentrate on "several"
Is that your take, Blondie? Can I still use that and stand on my opinion that it has not
changed, regardless of what some elders might say to me?
They were hoping that by now the 1975 issue would be forgotten yet the ex dubs keep reminding the world about it and even about the 1925 similar fiasco, the WTS does not admit the well known fact that it had trigerred off that hysteria. And that for 80 whole years they were exploiting their members with the 1914 final generation BS: the end is just round the corner just devote youselves to jehovah's org, work hard for the kingdom (ie their manmade org).
I've searched through the references, and it seems that the teaching wasn't explicity dropped. They went from declaring that each "creative day" was 7000 years long, to saying things like
The Bible does not specify the length of each of the creative periods. Yet all six of them have ended, it being said with respect to the sixth day (as in the case of each of the preceding five days): "And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a sixth day." (Ge 1:31) However, this statement is not made regarding the seventh day, on which God proceeded to rest, indicating that it continued. (Ge 2:1-3) (Insight on the Scriptures, Vol. I, p. 545)
Unless that does count as dropping the teaching ... but it's not saying that they *couldn't* be 7000 years in length.
Cathy Koenig
Thanks VM44 and CathyK, all the help is appreciated.
So the Creator Book is still vague like everything else, correct? I don't see any solid change.
It looks like they want everyone to forget the 7000 years and concentrate on "several" thousands.
Is that your take, Blondie? Can I still use that and stand on my opinion that it has not changed, regardless of what some elders might say to me?
What has not changed...that the WTS has backed away from saying a creative day is 7,000 years long? Based on those quotes, yes, the WTS has quietly and without much fanfare, backed away from teaching that a creative day is 7,000 years long.
JWs who were young, not born yet, or not yet JWs in the 1970's have no clue about the 7,000 years teaching and will disagree with you or correct you if you do say 7,000 years. I've seen it happen.
This is a standard technique of the WTS, to bury their old doctrines and be selective about their history reporting.
I didn't know anything about 1925 when I was a JW because there were no WTS publications in print or in the index. I learned about it on the internet.
From the Insight book from CathyK and Blondie's inputs, it might be easier to just say "No" to the elders rather than a challenge to correct this view. I still see why my mother is so sure that the 7000 year creation day is in effect. She reads everything and remembers it all. So the vague new stuff is not contradicting her "sure" hope.
I'd rather go round the mulberry bush with two elders than just about anything related to recreation with my clothes on.
They can't go 5 minutes without stepping in it. I just hold them to equal application of principle. They're not used to anyone who knows Witness teachings and they're not prepared. It's their lack of knowledge that makes them so dangerous for a person who cares to talk to because when they get feeling cornered they have to go on the offensive. They only way they can escape is to turn it in into a witch hunt.
OTWO, you do know about the two Society produced items that say Adam and Eve were created in the same year don't you?
I do think they went abstract on the creative day thing though. If Jesus aka, Michael the a god angel, was the god's first created item, the Society has them commingling in the cosmos for billions of years. Billions doesn't fit with the seven thousand year program very well.
If ya want to throw em off center a little, don't talk the loaded language with them AT ALL. Just talk academic English.
You seem to want a confrontation and they seem to be avoiding it. Me things you'll slam dunk them, then they'll slam dunk you.
Thanks garybuss, I do have all the data about Adam & Eve from pre-1975 WT.
I am pretty sure I don't want to bother with doctrine and 2 elders.
If I make it past their APOSTASY ALERT, they will only try to DF me for
what I say, and they have 2 witnesses.
But, it would be fun if I wanted to go that way.
Reasoning From The Scriptures 1989 p. 88 Creation
Was all physical creation accomplished in just six days sometime within the past 6,000 to 10,000 years?
The facts disagree with such a conclusion: (1) Light from the Andromeda nebula can be seen on a clear night in the northern hemisphere. It takes about 2,000,000 years for that light to reach the earth, indicating that the universe must be at least millions of years old. (2) End products of radioactive decay in rocks in the earth testify that some rock formations have been undisturbed for billions of years.
"Consider the relationship between Jehovah and Jesus. They were together in heaven for perhaps billions of years."
The Watchtower, August 15, 2005
Page 27, Paragraph 15