Deputy Dog, your response is typical of the stupid comments I've come to expect from fundamentalists of all varieties, including and especially JWs.
:: How someone with enough intelligence to post replies on this board can manage to miss an answer that simple can only be explained by the fact that they deliberately fail to listen, they consciously fail to undestand what they're being told. Thus, the frustration of science-oriented people.
; Sorry, Alan we aren't as evolved as you, I guess You "science-oriented people" are smarter than all us poor creationists.
See what I mean? This fails to address what I said. I acknowledged that you're smart enough to understand -- if you wanted to -- but that you deliberately refused to understand. This answer of yours is a good example of that. It's not that you didn't understand what I said, it's that you didn't want to deal with what I said. Hence, you found an infantile sidestep.
This is exactly the kind of refusal to think that many people today are decrying about fundamentalism of all stripes -- Christian, Islamic, you name it.
And of course, in giving your stupid reply here, you again failed to acknowledge the simple fact that Steve gave you an answer. So once again you're demonstrating the truth of my descriptions by continuing to fail to acknowledge this.
: But you aren't very patient. Didn't you know patients is a virtue,
Were I a doctor, I would consider patients a virtue.
But I know what you really mean. On the contrary, I demonstrate a great deal of patience with people who don't ooze that typical fundie arrogance.
: oh that's right you don't believe in virtue, sorry.
Yet another completely stupid statement. It has no basis in fact -- only in what you as a Christian fundamentalist have been taught to believe about non-Christians, i.e., that they have no morality, no virtue. What you fail to consider is that Christian fundamentalists specifically teach that the only reason they sometimes display morality and virtue is that their God would kill them if they didn't, and they actually acknowledge that, in the absence of such a God, they would engage in all sorts of wicked, immoral behavior. People like me, on the other hand, behave well towards others in normal life not because of such threats, but because it's the "right" thing to do. "Right" by what standards? By the human social standards that have evolved over tens of millions of years in primate societies. What's sad about this is that you Christian fundamentalists can so easily slough off these built-in standards by arguing that you really have none, but do "right" only because you fear the wrath of your God.