Auldsoul, I am on a MAC !!!! No smiles, No line breaks, NaaaaaaDaaaaa! steve
evolution or creation? lets talk...
by Sam87 537 Replies latest jw friends
Oh. Then...let's talk about emoticons...were they created, or did they evolve?
emoticons are not tangible, and yet they have the ability to effect us in a very deep way. An emoticon can change our entire view. In fact, I would go as far as stating that emoticons have a greater non-tangible effect on online humanity than the Gods we read about in the mystic writings. Maybe, in a millennia from now, we, you and me, will be know as one of the emoticons apostles. steve
To answer the question Almost Athiest asked about the pollination of certain flowers------If I believe the Genesis acount, and I believe it was all created exactly as God described, and it happened within literaldays, not thousand-year days (like some teach), then I don't see the problem. The flowers would get pollinated easily enough by the bugs, etc...that were created on subsequent days.
Creades--- fish are getting smaller so they won't get caught in nets. (?)
Dido-- your response to Creades about the pollution in the water was very observant. Sometimes the answers are not nearly as complicated as the self-proclaimed genius' would have us think. My thought on that subject was that perhaps the fishermen were over-fishing the area. The only fish left were the ones too small to sell at market. Too simple for the big brains to consider, but it made sense to me.
I'm with you, Dido. This is getting boring, because rather than explain things in a kind and rational manner, if you don't instantly go along with their view, they result to name-calling and cursing at you. Behaving beligerently does not "explain or prove" anything. And it certainly doesn't serve to win anyone over to your cause.
I've certainly had an education on the character and decency of some of those posting on this subject. The childish name calling and vicious attitudes.....Sticks and stones..... afterall. I haven't attempted to belittle and exclude anyone because their views were different than mine. Perhaps I'm not as intellectual as some. I agree with that. Getting wrapped up in all the intellectual knowledge is what the Pharisees did. They were merciless and loveless. They would not tolerate any view that conflicted with their superior thought process. They couldn't grasp the gospel, because it was too "simple". The evolutionists on this discussion make superb Pharisees.
whyizit: and it happened within literal days
How long of a literal day? I mean the Sun wasn't created until the fourth creative day, but that is how we determine what a 24 hour day is. Not being combative, just wondering.
Snice so very much of the Bible is symbolic, why can Genesis not be symbolic? Why MUST the entire account in Genesis be literal? Again, I am NOT being combative. I seriously have no CLUE how someone can think to correctly pick and choose when to think the writing is symbolic and when to take it as literal.
AuldSoul -
Whyizit that was like a chapter of name calling good work!
If God was such an intelligent Creator then why have there been so many total extinction events? If big bad T-rex and his dinosaur family had not been made extinct by some disaster, then they would still rule the World. Each global extinction event has caused new varieties of life to emerge and fill the void. Man just happens to be the king during this era, and maybe 100,000 years from now it will be some other creature. God doesn't appear to have anything to do with causing these extinction events and won't stop an asteroid from destroying humans either at some future date.
The Bible story says that man and woman were created perfect by God and due to disobedience in the Garden of Eden they sinned and became the imperfect sinful humans we see around us today. The problem with evolution is it teaches that man has always been imperfect. Humans have changed over the last 50,000 years from hunter-gatherers to the moden society we have now. Moden man has no need of a savior in the name of Jesus or any other name, because man was never perfect at any time in it's history.
I recently sent a dna sample to familytreeDna to answer a nagging question- Where do my early ancestors come from? Were they Celts from Europe 25,000 years ago- or maybe from the the fertile cresent and were the inventors of agriculture 10,000 years ago? I will find out my Dna haplotype and perhaps find a genealogical match with the 70,000 people in their current and growing database. We don't have to worry what evolved or was created millions of years ago, we can just study what happened to man in the last 50,000 years.
for further study:
I LIKE where this thread has ended up. Almost makes me believe in aether.
moshe: Dinosaur Bones were put there by Satin the Devil, or was that because Dinosaurs were gods plan to make fertilizer. I can never remember which it is. If Creationists belive in God. Do the believe in Satin?
[AIDS] was created because man had unnatural sex with monkeys
Woah back the bus up. Just because a guest speaker taught that from the platform at a JW meeting (as was the case in my hometown about 3 years ago) sure as hell doesn't make it correct.
The prevailing theory is that it was contracted by eating bush meat or coming in contact with infected animal blood while hunting. (CNN News report) Others involve the use of vaccines from contaminated needles or the development of innoculative medicines in and of itself. (Avert). Though avert does give a token nod that perhaps it was a created virus to kill blacks and homosexuals, please note this is listed under the heading of conspiracy theory. also featured this theory along with numerous internet chain letters. Further inspection revealed more theories involving vaccines and so far no screwing like or of animals.
And specific comments on the monkey sex theory: (CNN News Report) (AVERT - AVERTing AIDS and HIV) (Snopes)'d be interested to see the research backing up your claim dido.