hooberus, how're you doing?
I took a look at the links you provided; tell me, is the following scientific in your opinion?
"He also warned us that our thoughts are corrupted by sin. Therefore, we know that thoughts are not to be trusted when they disagree with Scripture."
This is the chemist Safarti speaking about God. I suppose you already knew that.
Dr. Sarfati was responding to a feedback letter (other persons comments in red) in which the other person initiated the subject of God and rational thought. He then went on to discuss the subject of evolution and thought processes.
God gave us a brain with the ability for rational thought.
He also warned us that our thoughts are corrupted by sin. Therefore, we know that thoughts are not to be trusted when they disagree with Scripture.
‘ For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. ’ (Hebrews 4:12)
However, evolution cannot coherently explain rational thought, because Darwinian processes select only for survival advantage, not rationality. See my explanation to another critic.
So please respond to my post concerning the above. Fossils, DNA and other evidence points to evolution as to the way in which life as we know it exists in the forms we see around us.
For a response to this claim I'll leave reader with the following brief arcticle (see also arcticles in previous links): Creation and Evolution: A Look at the Evidence:
http://origins.swau.edu/papers/evol/gibson/default.html But, you would have to reject said evidence merely because it disagrees with the Bible, wouldn’t you?
Yes, because* evolution makes my mind reject evidence if it disagrees with the DNA/environmental programming in my brain (the same as it causes you and all other evolutionists to reject evidence if it disagrees with the DNA/environmental programming in your brain).
*according to evolutionists
BTW, are you a young earth creationist? an ID-er? You've probably been thoroughly thrashed in other threads on your views but I'd rather just hear about your beliefs from you.
young earth creationist, and yourself? materialist evolutionist? theistic evolutionist?