Before I came to the “place” I’m at now, I liked the idea of a sentient force pervading the universe, sort of a cosmic, universal consciousness, if you will. But my liking the idea doesn’t make it so.
I'm sure that most atheists would love to find evidence of sentience in the universe, but lacking that, we can only go on what we know, don’t you think?
I think - therefore I am .. hmm.
Human consciousness itself is a marvel, as are the various faculties of the imagination. I create fantastic landscapes when I dream and am capable of such wonders there within, that I appear to have no limits. I can paint pictures and create music - stimulate my senses in many wonderful ways.
I see artwork everywhere I turn and everything is alive and calls out to me.
Under every rock I see genius at work.
For me - life itself is living proof of sentience. Even water is said to live in the occult world - infact there is the notion of ' everything ' being alive - even those things we would class as dead in this contemporary age.
How does the flower crane its neck and turn towards the sun? What force drives it to do so.
Fair enough - I understand where you are coming from and hope you are wrong. When I feel life flowing through all things, my universe sparkles & glitters - when I believe this is all there is and nothing lies beyond, my universe turns to dust.
*** On a side note - my friend saw strange smoke form in his house tonight and continues to see large orbs of light free-floating around the house. His girlfriend has witnessed the same phenomenon. He went to have his eyes checked last week (they were fine) and also called in an electrician - as his lights and other electrical equipment are being affected when these things occur.