Persons desiring an informed creationist scientific perspective will find the following links helpful:
For responses to many of the claims by evolutionists here see my post history.
Ok, just checked out the first link. A professional-looking organization which purports to have a peer-reviewed journal on creationism. So I click around a little to find a list of articles online, and I came across this one, the first on the list:
It's typical of creationist logic, or lack thereof. Sure, it sounds like it's full of professional and specialized knowledge, but it still, as all creationist literature does, boils down to one thing - it...:
"...illustrate[s] the daunting task facing random-chance, purposeless, undirected evolution in the origin of any form of a functional eye."
In other words, again, it is saying, "well, it doesn't seem like it could happen." Despite the evidence of the development of the eye, from simple light-sentive spots on single-cell organisms, to compound eyes and the human eye, they try to argue that it just couldn't happen. And the only theory they posit as to how it happend? God made it. Don't the creationists see the lunacy of that argument? (Not to mention that the above statement shows a complete lack of understanding of what evolution even is!)
In fact, the eye has developed independently through the evolutionary chain! That's an amazing finding - meaning that no one organism initially developed the precursers to eyes, leading to eye development - it has happened independently in the evolutionary chain amongst unrelated organisms! That means that the eye not only developed once, but several times!
These creationist arguments have been proven false over and over, because they don't really present a theory of anything, all they try to do is say that it's unlikely that it could happen.
Satistical probabilty is a funny thing. Did you know that there are more combinations of the cards in a deck of playing cards than there are atoms in the universe? Lay all the cards down, one next to the other. The statistical probability of that exact combination of cards being laid down is considered to be nearly zero, yet, there it is! Every time you do the same, you are accomplishing something that the creationists claim could not happen, because that's how they approach evolution.