When I came here in May, I began to see phrases like "voting with their wallets" or "voting with their feet" in regards to declining contributions and declining attendance figures. I think I am seeing the former in action....
Last Sunday I went to the local CA. At the half they read the accounts report--aka, COUGH UP THAT DOUGH report--and there was a "$4,000 deficit." Now, I have never heard them say that there is more than enough money, or that there is not much of a deficit. There is always some sort of huge deficit. Is this the case at every CA, like there's really no deficit and they want more money? Or is my circuit stingy?
Now comes the part you can't really fake: congregation funds on hand at the end of the month. For quite some time, ours had hovered at around 1k. After the CO's "daddy needs some new Armani suits" fund (aka "CO assistance" announcement) and the KHAA fund resolution, we are nearly broke. Congregation funds on hand at the end of the month are around $100.
I have never heard it go this low. Wow.
One of two things, or maybe a combo of both is going on...scraping by every month (no higher education) doesn't yield much in the way of donations, or people are really voting with their wallets. The announcer guy encouraged people to send their dollars towards "local funds" and not to the WWW.
Did any other congregation get this strapped for funds?