Are Faders "better" than DF'd or DA'd?

by ESTEE 60 Replies latest jw experiences

  • juni

    Miss Peaches said:

    labels labels labels! as if we didn't have enough of them in the bOrg...

    There is one label we all share. We are ex-Jehovahs Witnesses.

    We all have been enlightened and follow new paths all heading off in different directions. Yet we meet here together to share the impact its had on our lives now. Not to compare one another as to who is smarter, who has it better, who has it harder etc etc.

    Not one person is better than anyone else on this forum

    I agree completely!!!!! That is a JW mindset (labeling) - I'm "better" or more "spiritual" than you because.......

    Hate it, hate it, hate it. Class distinction.


  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    I'm a fader. I don't think I'm better than anybody. I didn't set out to fade, it just sort of happened. I didn't know about any of the "scandals", etc before I came here, just knew there was something wrong in the org and didn't want to be a part anymore.

    I tried to make things easy for my family, hence the fading and not DA or DFing. My closest family I'm sure would still talk to me if I was DF'd (not so sure about the DA though, that seems to be a biggie for the average JW to overcome). The rest that are JW I could care less if I ever heard from them again. Family that are left have never been JW or are DF'd themselves.

    It seems from the posts I have read, that nobody here on this board considers themselves "better" than others for the exit they chose. It's more likely the JW's that would catagorize faders, DF'd and DA people.


  • under_believer

    Yes, we are WAYYYY awesomer. We are too cool for school and anyone who get's DF'ed or DA's is just a sad sack.




    Seriously, where the heck does this question come from? No I don't think I'm superior to anyone. I suck, actually, I sometimes feel like I'm a spineless coward who is taking the easy way out. The people who deserve respect are the DA-ers, people like LittleToe who DA'd from the platform during a public talk, or (currently) AK-Jeff who is mailing out DA letters to everyone who matters to him.

  • parlay

    If anyone has any ideas of being superior to another they haven't

    faded mentally because that, I'm better than you minset, is a JW trademark.

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    Of course no one is better for whichever method of leaving they choose to use. Like others have said, it's what works for each person according to their own personal circumstances.

    I was thinking about this today and sort of came to a personal conclusion about it: I would be playing "their" game if I wrote a DA letter. That does not mean that's how I feel about others who have done it. I think you are brave and courageous to stand up like that. But for ME, I decided that I already walked away, they hold no further authority over me, I do not acknowledge my baptism as meaning anything, and what happens from here on out is no longer my concern. They can DF me if they choose to find fault, two witnesses to claim they saw something or whatever. But I will not have any more to do with it. I've moved on.

    I do know this will affect my family if/when it comes to some DF announcement (maybe there really never will be - I do feel my elders want what's best for me in their own screwed up way and maybe since they have backed off after a few half-hearted attempts at contacting me they have decided I'm not hurting anyone other than myself). But what relationship am I protecting anyway? I don't feel like I have a relationship to speak of with my JW family. Ultimately if they will have me in their life it won't have anything to do with whether I'm DF'd, DA'd, or "inactive". That's been made abundantly clear by their having unbaptized children and disfellowshipped children over to their home.

    Funny how my older sister was inactive for quite a long time and the invitations never stopped for them. Whatever.

    But back to the question: no one is better than anyone. Unless you are an elder or a FDS, then you are God's spokesperson. (It's almost like you guys don't pay attention.)

  • sammielee24

    If you are asking from an JW perspective - (from what I've seen) - a fader/inactive person is better than a da'd/df'd person, based on the treatment toward them by other witnesses. A fader/inactive one is weak - as for a DA person - the shunning treatment experienced is the same - complete and total however, that being said, the witnesses that I know admittedly believe that the DA'd person is more vile than the DF'd person.

    I'ts all a lot of crap no matter how you cut it. If a person cannot leave an organization for any reason and remain on good and reasonable terms with friends/family and even the leadership, then the organization is quite obviously a dictatorship run strictly on policy and legalities. It is not a fellowship. It is not a loving nor a kind relationship. It is both repressive and oppressive. It is an abusive connection whereby the WTS retains all the power - controlling by fear, exhaustion, guilt and isolation. swife.

  • sammielee24
    If you were once an elder, do you think somehow you still have it over a mere once-publisher

    No - I don't. We have all been victims.


    dido wrote:

    faders are cleverer than d/a`s and d/f`s, but they have to suffer longer by putting in appearances

    I for one could not look at myself in the mirror if I continued to attend meetings (after a certain point).

    Finally-Free wrote:

    Bottom line - everyone should do what's best for themselves personally, and not feel obligated to explain themselves to anyone. You don't have to explain yourselves to this board any more than you have to explain yourselves to the elders. Neither one has authority in your personal life unless you give it to them.

    Hear, hear!

    garybuss wrote:

    I laughed my ass off at his stories of stalking people trying to catch them in sin.

    I was one of those who were stalked.

    Forscher wrote:

    It certainly takes courage in many cases to DA. To stand one's ground, even in the face of DF'ng certainly takes courage as well. But as somebody pointed out, each person's circumstances are different.

    The main thing is --- how ever the method --- we chose to leave. Hooray!!! We are free!!!

    Penny wrote:

    I hate what the 'organisation' does to families.

    Yeah, it sure tore mine apart.

    Inactive in jersey wrote:

    my mom says it is because i am too weak to da'd. i have no family in so that's not any issue. i don't feel better than the df'd or da'd. i am sure that everyone in the congr. knows that i should be out by now.

    Interesting how your mom makes that "judgment" . . . Maybe you are her mirror . . .? I'm thinking, what if she secretly wants to leave just like you did?

    confused jw wrote:

    Do you think faders come across as superior?

    Perhaps I used to. But maybe that was because sometimes I wish I had the option of fading. However, I chose the df'ing route out. I followed in my mom's and my dad's foosteps in that regard. Maybe it was my way of letting them know "I support your choice! Watch this, I'm following suit!!!" It gives me hope that my kids will one day follow suit, too. Seems to be a family pattern!

    CD wrote:

    we are the same in that we are FREE & OUT of the Borg. for me, my freedom is enough..

    Hear, hear!

    daniel-p wrote:

    Yes, I am better than most here. I pioneered for 4 years, spending my youth wasting my life on a book-publishing zionist cult. I am also superior because I served for a year at Bethel headquarters where I scrubbed pots and pans - that now gives me more ex-JW enlightenment than most. I've given plenty of public talks and this also makes me better than most on JWD because I spent many hours doing logic-tricks in my mind, avoiding full-on thinking when it came to inconsistent doctrines and so forth. I am also better since I have helped several others come to a complete understanding of nothing at all. All hail Daniel-P!!! The foremost among you.....

    lol!!!Point taken. Thankfully I never "converted" any one . . . except, sadly, my kids.

    Mystla wrote:

    oh! the superiority complex runs in the family, btw, my sister and her hubby were recently made CO's Her nose is so high in the air.. if it rains, she'll drowned for sure!!

    Interesting how I had no self-esteem as a borg member. Yet there was an air of superiority. I wonder how that works?

    Mystla wrote further:

    Whats funny is that underneath my superior attitude I felt completely worthless, I could never get it right or be good enough.. how's that for contradictory?

    Hmmmm . . . leaves me wondering that as well. I wonder if anyone here has any further thoughts on this dichotomy. I love the dictionary definition of this:

    Pronunciation: dI-'kä-t&-mE also d&- Function: noun
    Inflected Form(s): plural-mies
    Etymology: Greek dichotomia, from dichotomos
    1: a division into two especially mutually exclusive or contradictory groups or entities <the dichotomy between theory and practice>; also: the process or practice of making such a division <dichotomy of the population into two opposed classes>

    Little Bo Peep wrote:

    One thing I have learned from being in the WT for over 50 years, was how judgemental they all are, and how superior they feel. I have come away knowing I never want to be judgemental again. If one is disfellowshipped, asks to be disassociated, or just fades, that is each ones decision, for whatever reason.

    Living as a jw has taught me some things that I do not wish to be . . . judgmental is one.

    Blondie wrote:

    BTW, you can be a fader and not be going to any meetings. And that time period of gradually not going to any meetings, need not be long. It depends partly on your status in the congregation to start with and sometimes how many family members are JWs locally, and how many local congregations there are. Moving is helpful in fading. The important is not to be be judging other's actions and motives. I think we can all say that we had enough of that when we were captive to the Borg.

    Thanks, Blondie. Some of us don't have the luxury of choosing our exit strategy. Or maybe we really did choose our exit strategy on a subconscious level, by choosing to oppose the borg somehow. Moving is great advice. That's what I did. Best thing I ever did.

    Mrs Smith wrote:'

    why play by their rules?

    Good point. As long as we play by their rules, we give them our power. By leaving we reclaim our power. Now we can play by our own rules. And my game doesn't make me go sell books without pay . . . and I like that!!!

    undercover wrote:

    We are all fighting the same fight against the oppression of the WTS. It's just that we all have unique situations and we each have to handle them as best as we know how. . . . I admire those that take that stand to officially DA themselves. It's a very courageous thing to do. Does that mean that those who fade are less courageous? I don't think so...we still have an ongoing fight that takes courage to deal with as well. We're all from the same background, we just chose different paths out and away from that background that we want to leave behind.

    cool Avatar, undercover. So true. When our path diverged away from the borg . . . when we chose our independence . . . we chose varying paths away from the borg. and varying consequences accompanied. We calculated our exit, whether it was to get df'd, da, or fade. Whatever works for us, the important thing is we are now free to be who we really were meant to be . . . and FREE!!! That is worth the price for sure.

    juni wrote:

    JW mindset (labeling) - I'm "better" or more "spiritual" than you because.......Hate it, hate it, hate it. Class distinction.

    I agree with this. When we leave the borg, we leave their class distinctions. We are all equals, we are all ONE.

    good girl or bad girl wrote:

    ME, I decided that I already walked away, they hold no further authority over me,


    samiellee's wife wrote:

    It is not a fellowship. It is not a loving nor a kind relationship. It is both repressive and oppressive. It is an abusive connection whereby the WTS retains all the power - controlling by fear, exhaustion, guilt and isolation. swife.

    We can take back our power that we had given them. In my case, being a dub was all I ever knew, being born and raised as one. Reclaiming my power? No, it was more like grabbing it from them upon my exit. I have spent years in therapy even before leaving before I even found my legs to take a stand and empower myself. I don't look back with any regret. For me a move away from Saskatoon was most beneficial. I no longer feel like I'm being watched by some "spy".

    samiellee wrote:

    We have all been victims.

    Indeed. We don't have to live with that label for the rest of our lives, however.

    What does a healed exjw look like?

    Look in the mirror!!!

    Thanks for the great responses!

    Love you all.



    dido wrote:

    faders are cleverer than d/a`s and d/f`s, but they have to suffer longer by putting in appearances

    I for one could not look at myself in the mirror if I continued to attend meetings (after a certain point).

    Finally-Free wrote:

    Bottom line - everyone should do what's best for themselves personally, and not feel obligated to explain themselves to anyone. You don't have to explain yourselves to this board any more than you have to explain yourselves to the elders. Neither one has authority in your personal life unless you give it to them.

    Hear, hear!

    garybuss wrote:

    I laughed my ass off at his stories of stalking people trying to catch them in sin.

    I was one of those who were stalked.

    Forscher wrote:

    It certainly takes courage in many cases to DA. To stand one's ground, even in the face of DF'ng certainly takes courage as well. But as somebody pointed out, each person's circumstances are different.

    The main thing is --- how ever the method --- we chose to leave. Hooray!!! We are free!!!

    Penny wrote:

    I hate what the 'organisation' does to families.

    Yeah, it sure tore mine apart.

    Inactive in jersey wrote:

    my mom says it is because i am too weak to da'd. i have no family in so that's not any issue. i don't feel better than the df'd or da'd. i am sure that everyone in the congr. knows that i should be out by now.

    Interesting how your mom makes that "judgment" . . . Maybe you are her mirror . . .? I'm thinking, what if she secretly wants to leave just like you did?

    confused jw wrote:

    Do you think faders come across as superior?

    Perhaps I used to. But maybe that was because sometimes I wish I had the option of fading. However, I chose the df'ing route out. I followed in my mom's and my dad's foosteps in that regard. Maybe it was my way of letting them know "I support your choice! Watch this, I'm following suit!!!" It gives me hope that my kids will one day follow suit, too. Seems to be a family pattern!

    CD wrote:

    we are the same in that we are FREE & OUT of the Borg. for me, my freedom is enough..

    Hear, hear!

    daniel-p wrote:

    Yes, I am better than most here. I pioneered for 4 years, spending my youth wasting my life on a book-publishing zionist cult. I am also superior because I served for a year at Bethel headquarters where I scrubbed pots and pans - that now gives me more ex-JW enlightenment than most. I've given plenty of public talks and this also makes me better than most on JWD because I spent many hours doing logic-tricks in my mind, avoiding full-on thinking when it came to inconsistent doctrines and so forth. I am also better since I have helped several others come to a complete understanding of nothing at all. All hail Daniel-P!!! The foremost among you.....

    lol!!!Point taken. Thankfully I never "converted" any one . . . except, sadly, my kids.

    Mystla wrote:

    oh! the superiority complex runs in the family, btw, my sister and her hubby were recently made CO's Her nose is so high in the air.. if it rains, she'll drowned for sure!!

    Interesting how I had no self-esteem as a borg member. Yet there was an air of superiority. I wonder how that works?

    Mystla wrote further:

    Whats funny is that underneath my superior attitude I felt completely worthless, I could never get it right or be good enough.. how's that for contradictory?

    Hmmmm . . . leaves me wondering that as well. I wonder if anyone here has any further thoughts on this dichotomy. I love the dictionary definition of this:

    Pronunciation: dI-'kä-t&-mE also d&- Function: noun
    Inflected Form(s): plural-mies
    Etymology: Greek dichotomia, from dichotomos
    1: a division into two especially mutually exclusive or contradictory groups or entities <the dichotomy between theory and practice>; also: the process or practice of making such a division <dichotomy of the population into two opposed classes>

    Little Bo Peep wrote:

    One thing I have learned from being in the WT for over 50 years, was how judgemental they all are, and how superior they feel. I have come away knowing I never want to be judgemental again. If one is disfellowshipped, asks to be disassociated, or just fades, that is each ones decision, for whatever reason.

    Living as a jw has taught me some things that I do not wish to be . . . judgmental is one.

    Blondie wrote:

    BTW, you can be a fader and not be going to any meetings. And that time period of gradually not going to any meetings, need not be long. It depends partly on your status in the congregation to start with and sometimes how many family members are JWs locally, and how many local congregations there are. Moving is helpful in fading. The important is not to be be judging other's actions and motives. I think we can all say that we had enough of that when we were captive to the Borg.

    Thanks, Blondie. Some of us don't have the luxury of choosing our exit strategy. Or maybe we really did choose our exit strategy on a subconscious level, by choosing to oppose the borg somehow. Moving is great advice. That's what I did. Best thing I ever did.

    Mrs Smith wrote:'

    why play by their rules?

    Good point. As long as we play by their rules, we give them our power. By leaving we reclaim our power. Now we can play by our own rules. And my game doesn't make me go sell books without pay . . . and I like that!!!

    undercover wrote:

    We are all fighting the same fight against the oppression of the WTS. It's just that we all have unique situations and we each have to handle them as best as we know how. . . . I admire those that take that stand to officially DA themselves. It's a very courageous thing to do. Does that mean that those who fade are less courageous? I don't think so...we still have an ongoing fight that takes courage to deal with as well. We're all from the same background, we just chose different paths out and away from that background that we want to leave behind.

    cool Avatar, undercover. So true. When our path diverged away from the borg . . . when we chose our independence . . . we chose varying paths away from the borg. and varying consequences accompanied. We calculated our exit, whether it was to get df'd, da, or fade. Whatever works for us, the important thing is we are now free to be who we really were meant to be . . . and FREE!!! That is worth the price for sure.

    juni wrote:

    JW mindset (labeling) - I'm "better" or more "spiritual" than you because.......Hate it, hate it, hate it. Class distinction.

    I agree with this. When we leave the borg, we leave their class distinctions. We are all equals, we are all ONE.

    good girl or bad girl wrote:

    ME, I decided that I already walked away, they hold no further authority over me,


    samiellee's wife wrote:

    It is not a fellowship. It is not a loving nor a kind relationship. It is both repressive and oppressive. It is an abusive connection whereby the WTS retains all the power - controlling by fear, exhaustion, guilt and isolation. swife.

    We can take back our power that we had given them. In my case, being a dub was all I ever knew, being born and raised as one. Reclaiming my power? No, it was more like grabbing it from them upon my exit. I have spent years in therapy even before leaving before I even found my legs to take a stand and empower myself. I don't look back with any regret. For me a move away from Saskatoon was most beneficial. I no longer feel like I'm being watched by some "spy".

    samiellee wrote:

    We have all been victims.

    Indeed. We don't have to live with that label for the rest of our lives, however.

    What does a healed exjw look like?

    Look in the mirror!!!

    Thanks for the great responses!

    Love you all.



    dido wrote:

    faders are cleverer than d/a`s and d/f`s, but they have to suffer longer by putting in appearances

    I for one could not look at myself in the mirror if I continued to attend meetings (after a certain point).

    Finally-Free wrote:

    Bottom line - everyone should do what's best for themselves personally, and not feel obligated to explain themselves to anyone. You don't have to explain yourselves to this board any more than you have to explain yourselves to the elders. Neither one has authority in your personal life unless you give it to them.

    Hear, hear!

    garybuss wrote:

    I laughed my ass off at his stories of stalking people trying to catch them in sin.

    I was one of those who were stalked.

    Forscher wrote:

    It certainly takes courage in many cases to DA. To stand one's ground, even in the face of DF'ng certainly takes courage as well. But as somebody pointed out, each person's circumstances are different.

    The main thing is --- how ever the method --- we chose to leave. Hooray!!! We are free!!!

    Penny wrote:

    I hate what the 'organisation' does to families.

    Yeah, it sure tore mine apart.

    Inactive in jersey wrote:

    my mom says it is because i am too weak to da'd. i have no family in so that's not any issue. i don't feel better than the df'd or da'd. i am sure that everyone in the congr. knows that i should be out by now.

    Interesting how your mom makes that "judgment" . . . Maybe you are her mirror . . .? I'm thinking, what if she secretly wants to leave just like you did?

    confused jw wrote:

    Do you think faders come across as superior?

    Perhaps I used to. But maybe that was because sometimes I wish I had the option of fading. However, I chose the df'ing route out. I followed in my mom's and my dad's foosteps in that regard. Maybe it was my way of letting them know "I support your choice! Watch this, I'm following suit!!!" It gives me hope that my kids will one day follow suit, too. Seems to be a family pattern!

    CD wrote:

    we are the same in that we are FREE & OUT of the Borg. for me, my freedom is enough..

    Hear, hear!

    daniel-p wrote:

    Yes, I am better than most here. I pioneered for 4 years, spending my youth wasting my life on a book-publishing zionist cult. I am also superior because I served for a year at Bethel headquarters where I scrubbed pots and pans - that now gives me more ex-JW enlightenment than most. I've given plenty of public talks and this also makes me better than most on JWD because I spent many hours doing logic-tricks in my mind, avoiding full-on thinking when it came to inconsistent doctrines and so forth. I am also better since I have helped several others come to a complete understanding of nothing at all. All hail Daniel-P!!! The foremost among you.....

    lol!!!Point taken. Thankfully I never "converted" any one . . . except, sadly, my kids.

    Mystla wrote:

    oh! the superiority complex runs in the family, btw, my sister and her hubby were recently made CO's Her nose is so high in the air.. if it rains, she'll drowned for sure!!

    Interesting how I had no self-esteem as a borg member. Yet there was an air of superiority. I wonder how that works?

    Mystla wrote further:

    Whats funny is that underneath my superior attitude I felt completely worthless, I could never get it right or be good enough.. how's that for contradictory?

    Hmmmm . . . leaves me wondering that as well. I wonder if anyone here has any further thoughts on this dichotomy. I love the dictionary definition of this:

    Pronunciation: dI-'kä-t&-mE also d&- Function: noun
    Inflected Form(s): plural-mies
    Etymology: Greek dichotomia, from dichotomos
    1: a division into two especially mutually exclusive or contradictory groups or entities <the dichotomy between theory and practice>; also: the process or practice of making such a division <dichotomy of the population into two opposed classes>

    Little Bo Peep wrote:

    One thing I have learned from being in the WT for over 50 years, was how judgemental they all are, and how superior they feel. I have come away knowing I never want to be judgemental again. If one is disfellowshipped, asks to be disassociated, or just fades, that is each ones decision, for whatever reason.

    Living as a jw has taught me some things that I do not wish to be . . . judgmental is one.

    Blondie wrote:

    BTW, you can be a fader and not be going to any meetings. And that time period of gradually not going to any meetings, need not be long. It depends partly on your status in the congregation to start with and sometimes how many family members are JWs locally, and how many local congregations there are. Moving is helpful in fading. The important is not to be be judging other's actions and motives. I think we can all say that we had enough of that when we were captive to the Borg.

    Thanks, Blondie. Some of us don't have the luxury of choosing our exit strategy. Or maybe we really did choose our exit strategy on a subconscious level, by choosing to oppose the borg somehow. Moving is great advice. That's what I did. Best thing I ever did.

    Mrs Smith wrote:'

    why play by their rules?

    Good point. As long as we play by their rules, we give them our power. By leaving we reclaim our power. Now we can play by our own rules. And my game doesn't make me go sell books without pay . . . and I like that!!!

    undercover wrote:

    We are all fighting the same fight against the oppression of the WTS. It's just that we all have unique situations and we each have to handle them as best as we know how. . . . I admire those that take that stand to officially DA themselves. It's a very courageous thing to do. Does that mean that those who fade are less courageous? I don't think so...we still have an ongoing fight that takes courage to deal with as well. We're all from the same background, we just chose different paths out and away from that background that we want to leave behind.

    cool Avatar, undercover. So true. When our path diverged away from the borg . . . when we chose our independence . . . we chose varying paths away from the borg. and varying consequences accompanied. We calculated our exit, whether it was to get df'd, da, or fade. Whatever works for us, the important thing is we are now free to be who we really were meant to be . . . and FREE!!! That is worth the price for sure.

    juni wrote:

    JW mindset (labeling) - I'm "better" or more "spiritual" than you because.......Hate it, hate it, hate it. Class distinction.

    I agree with this. When we leave the borg, we leave their class distinctions. We are all equals, we are all ONE.

    good girl or bad girl wrote:

    ME, I decided that I already walked away, they hold no further authority over me,


    samiellee's wife wrote:

    It is not a fellowship. It is not a loving nor a kind relationship. It is both repressive and oppressive. It is an abusive connection whereby the WTS retains all the power - controlling by fear, exhaustion, guilt and isolation. swife.

    We can take back our power that we had given them. In my case, being a dub was all I ever knew, being born and raised as one. Reclaiming my power? No, it was more like grabbing it from them upon my exit. I have spent years in therapy even before leaving before I even found my legs to take a stand and empower myself. I don't look back with any regret. For me a move away from Saskatoon was most beneficial. I no longer feel like I'm being watched by some "spy".

    samiellee wrote:

    We have all been victims.

    Indeed. We don't have to live with that label for the rest of our lives, however.

    What does a healed exjw look like?

    Look in the mirror!!!

    Thanks for the great responses!

    Love you all.


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