bye bye

by Devilsnok 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • IronClaw

    For a minute I thought I was reading a post about myself. Been there, done that. I took some time off from the board but found that the people here are the only people who can relate to our situation in life. I can feel your pain, and it is deep. Whatever you dicide I wish you the best. We will always be here if you need someone to talk to.

    The Claw.

  • Forscher

    Sorry to hear that mate.

    No condemnation from this "mindless right-wing Bible-bashing moron" (yes, I've been called that and more). We all make our mistakes in life. That was one of yours. I can understand your need to take some time for introspection and I hope you come out the other side better for it. That is the key friend, to learn from both our successes and our failure and become better men and women. The real failure in life would be not to. So, I wish you the best and bid you to keep us posted.


  • KW13

    good luck mate, hope to see ya around again sometime.

  • tan

    I'm sorry for what you went through and are going through. Most everyone is very supportive here no matter what. I hope the best.

  • Sunspot
    This is primarily why I left the org., I just never felt that I "fit in" or "belonged", I always felt like the odd man out.

    My GOD!


    This was MY complaint after telling myself it was all in my was MY fault I was not GOOD enough. I could do more.

    I had an unbelieving husband, six kids to raise and lots of chronic health issues that prevented me from regular pioneering, so I was always on the fringes of things socially. (I aux pioneered from time to time)

    Now that I see I was in the majority of JWs who felt as if they never made the have to wonder how many actually feel this way?

    IS it a JW thing?

    DOES the WTS purposely foster this kind of thinking to make JWs try harder to "do more" FOR THE WTS?

    No WONDER we are so messed up.....

  • juni

    Hi Devilsnok,

    I agree totally with what others have said. We all make decisions and some prove to be not so wise in the end. Wish there were crystal balls ! lol

    Don't EVER think so little of yourself for making mistakes. We all do. We're a forgiving lot Matt. Perhaps you have to leave for a while to get your bearings and think things through.

    Hopefully you won't stay away forever. We will be here and hope to have you back again sharing with us in discussions and humor.

    I wish you the best!


  • Satanus

    Lose one, find ten is a saying the french have. Trying for it might be good for you.


  • BabaYaga

    Quote: " was about belonging again, it was about being with someone that grew up the same way as me, about being with someone who thought like me and who felt like me. It was about being with “my people” again"

    But Darlin', we're ALL YOUR PEOPLE. We ALL GREW UP the same way as you did. And we're all still here for you. Taking a break is fine, of course, go off and mourn if you want, go talk to a counselor if you feel completely helpless, but the fact is... we are all still here for you.

    Cheers. We'll leave the light on, as they say.

  • anewme

    Dear Devilsnok, the way you are thinking is just the way the JWs would want you to think and react to the current situation------condemn yourself, hate yourself, withdraw from your true friends, maybe even kill yourself! They want you to think you are so bad even God has turned away from you!

    That is a bunch of rubbish!! And I think many would agree with me that you need us more than ever now!
    We are the ones who can identify with your angst and pain, fellow survivors of the mind bending organization that we belonged to for so long. We can offer strength to each other and demonstrate a new way to live post df. Full recovery is possible, but only if you start to view life and sin and choice and human freedom in an entirely new way.

    I am not sure partnering with a fellow ex is the only answer. The joy of life that non-witness outsiders can bring to your life is amazing! Their view is so totally different! They give you private lessons in self esteem, hope, love, forgiveness, and calm.

    I think you should try to relax about your situation. Whats done is done. The future is now open for something different-------maybe even better! I know it is hard to see that now. But from one who has been to hell and back myself, I am telling you the truth! Life can be bright and happy. And you need your true friends!

    Love to you dear Devilsnok,


  • Woofer

    I didn't get to know you, but I am sorry you are leaving.

    We all make mistakes and what is more important is how you handle the mistake!

    If you do decide to move on and not come back to the board remember that you can't have a future if you stay in the past. Move on from this and start fresh!

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