I was having an interesting conversation with another Witness who's nearly faded away. He made an interesting point that corrected me and
touched my heart.
I wondered aloud if there was "any limit to how stupid the organization could collectively become". After all, in recent years, learned debates
about Watchtower doctrines have largely subsided. Even the Watchtower seems both dumbed down - and managed by men who keep
themselves dumbed down, in obsequious compliance with the ever mythical "Faithful Slave".
He replied that what was emerging is that more and more Witnesses cannot escape the thought that the organization simply doesn't work
and that something is seriously wrong with it. They see the sterile meetings, the defect laden elder arrangement and - probably
most important - Witness families falling apart and conclude that it is ineffective. Often these people will end up doubting the
Societies' threadbare doctrines simply because it fits into a general pattern of congregational failure. Lack of love can evaporate
"the truth" in a way that no debate can.
I respect his reply. If he's right, none of these "Armageddon is Soon" or "False religion's End Is Near" scams are going to turn the tide of
Witness disaffiliation. They're getting tired of excuses and are closing their wallets in response. They have been "sold" a Brotherhood
and been left with a Spiritual Amway distributorship. It might be an increasingly powerful point to defeat Witnesses with - namely,
why argue about doctrines when so many of them are "sighing and groaning" (!!) over the ineffectiveness of their own congregations?