Does It Bother You That Some Posters Give Misinformation???

by minimus 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • lonelysheep
    you know the types that are always looking for help and advice and suddenly vanish off the face of the earth after they're done having their fun.

    That bothers me. I won't answer posts when I see a 'post 1 of 1' and then they never return to give a reply to their own thread.

  • R6Laser
    I am not too sure if the "Big Announcement" was misinformation. The origin was a quote about something special in October that many would not like. I am quite sure this referes to the new tract which contains a less soft message.

    Not really a big announcement when the Watchtower has been preaching the same thing year after year. So there's nothing new about this tract. Have you missed all the other articles and pictures that the WT has put up in their magazines regarding other religions and how they would all be destroyed at Armageddon? There's nothing new about this, its the same all this time.

    Big announcement was nothing more than some of the members of this forum trying to make a big deal out of nothing. I still remember last year where everyone was talking about some 'Big' new exciting news that would change the way people could go after the society and sue them for damages because of their blood policies. It turned out to be nothing more than an article written by someone, while it had its good points it made really no difference at all. So I'm still awaiting the Big news about that back then.

  • undercover

    I'm sorry, mini old boy...

    I'm not really in Morocco. I hope you can forgive me.

  • minimus

    If the "Big Announcement" was the tract, it was very misleading! C'mon, give me a break.

  • greendawn

    To misinform is to spread lies unwittingly really believing them to be true as most of the R&F JWs are doing, whereas to disinform means to spread lies knowingly and that's what the GB does. Of course if posters here spread disinfo that's not good because it can confuse those reading it or embarss them.

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    I think that no matter where you are, you have to use discretion and realize that some people lie. Or spread gossip without looking into it, or knowing/researching its validity. We are each responsible to check for ourselves the validity of something.

    Plus what do we expect when many of us here at JWD came from the organization that runs on gossip? I mean, that's no excuse, but some may not deliberately misinform us. It's just what they know, from how they were raised/taught.

    Others do deliberately misinform. They will get theirs when Armageddon comes.

    Haha, just kidding. Saw that on Moomin's thread about the YouTube thing and what supposed JW's responded, and I couldn't help myself.

    But seriously, some just lie. They are not very good people. We have to watch out for ourselves and not be so naive. This is coming from one who has been the queen of naive. I think of it as wanting to trust and see the good in people. But in this world, you can't always do that.

    P.S. Like Undercover brought out (regarding his location) some of us misinform as a means to protect ourselves/our identity. But I don't think that's what min meant. I mean, he's not really a red m'n'm, right? At least I don't think he is...

  • eyeslice

    This is the internet - take everything with a pinch of salt.

  • minimus

    I was tryin' to be nice.....Disinformation is going on too.

  • seek2find

    Hello, Might I sugest that just because someone doesn't post again right away doesn't necesarliy mean they don't appreaciate the advice they are given. Some would simply rather Read rather than post. Some also may be limited for time to post and do so properly, some forget their passwords and so on. And then again it's easy for a new one to get lost here in tha many postings. Sometimes I loose track of where I posted. Just some things to think about. seek2find

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    I was tryin' to be nice.....Disinformation is going on too.

    Min, can't we just be friends?

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