Watchtower warns against "religious secrecy"!

by AlmostAtheist 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist

    Every once in a while I pop over to to see if there are any articles crying out to be mocked. Today I found a lovely example of the Watchtower condemning others for doing something that it is also guilty of. The irony is exquisite!

    The articles in question are found here:

    Here's a sample paragraph (italics mine):

    Not all secret groups are secret to the same degree. But those that have "secrets within secrets," as the Encyclopædia Britannica expresses it, pose a particular danger. It explains that "by the use of special names, ordeals or revelations," members of the top ranks manage to "set themselves apart," thereby stimulating "the lower ranks to the effort necessary to reach the exalted degrees." The danger inherent in such groups is obvious. Those in the lower echelons may be completely unaware of the real objectives of the organization, not having as yet progressed to that level of revelation. It is easy to become involved in a group whose goals and methods of achieving them are only partially recognized and, indeed, perhaps not even fully shared. But the person who has been initiated into such a group may later find it difficult to free himself; he is, as it were, bound by chains of secrecy.

    The second article describes the "openness" of Jehovah's Witnesses. Which is interesting, since their PR site seriously waters down their stance on shunning, and of course never mentions the secret judicial meetings that you aren't allowed to record. The Wacthtower LOVES secrets, for all the reasons they claim these "dangerous" groups love them.


  • AuldSoul

    Romans 2:1, 2 "inexcusable", by their own words condemned.

    Good find, Dave

  • Clam

    Good stuff Dave - I liked the concluding bullshit words:

    Dedicated as they are to the open and public service of God, Jehovah's Witnesses will be happy to reveal the plain facts of their activity and beliefs to anyone who cares to know the facts. Why not investigate for yourself, thus being in position to be properly informed as to their faith?

    Have done thanks.

  • greendawn

    They never told us what makes the anointed so elite and the whole area is misty, why don't they clear up what goes on? I think it's because they if they do they will be easily exposed as low down impostors pretending to be highly spiritual anointed humans. In addition the masons that were so intimately connected with the early history of the dubs (and perhaps still are so secretly) are a very secretive organisation.

  • LongHairGal

    The JWs think that because they are not in a dungeon whipping themselves bloody like the monk in that recent movie they don't have secrecy?? There is plenty of secrecy there.

    It is almost as if there are two religions within the religion. Those at the top who are spewing all the information and the gullible rank and file JW who eat it all up.


  • fullofdoubtnow
    True religion in no way practices secretiveness.

    So, if the jws were the true religion, they wouldn't have a secret elders book, they would have been open about becoming an NGO with the UN in 1992, they wouldn't keep the details of child abuse cases in their organisation secret, they wouldn't conduct jc's in secret etc.

    It sounds like the article is warning people against the watchtower itself.

  • daystar

    It seems like they're trying to directly address masonic and pseudo-masonic orders.

    It's funny how they just can't see themselves in the same light.

  • Mary
    It is easy to become involved in a group whose goals and methods of achieving them are only partially recognized and, indeed, perhaps not even fully shared. But the person who has been initiated into such a group may later find it difficult to free himself; he is, as it were, bound by chains of secrecy.

    If that sentense doesn't scream "Jehovah's Witnesses", I don't know what does. How many Witnesses find it extremely difficult to leave the religion because they will be shunned by their entire families and friends, and because they were taught that to leave the Organization puts you in the same category as Judas Iscariot......

    Secrecy signals even greater danger, however, when a group pursues illegal or criminal goals and therefore tries to hide its very existence.

    Kind of like the WTS hiding the fact that over 23,000 cases of pedophilia within the Organization were never reported to the authorities? What about those like Bill Bowen and Barbara Anderson who were DF'd when they exposed this illegal activity?

    Obviously, anyone considering membership in a secret society would be wise to ascertain its real objectives. Pressure from friends or acquaintances should be guarded against, and decisions ought to be based not on emotion but on facts. Remember, it is likely the individual himself—not others—who will be called upon to suffer any possible consequences.

    So when the Witnesses pressure a prospective bible student into joining the religion (on pain of death at the Big A if they don't), shouldn't the bible student try to "ascertain it's real objectives"?? Shouldn't they look into the religious history to see if they do in fact have "the Truth"? What happens when someone concludes that they don't? The WTS is right on one thing: it will be the "individual himself---not others---who will....suffer any possible consequences."

  • Butters

    A lot of their current articles are an attack on the what the Bible actually teaches as opposed to what they teach. It is an attack on Messianic Judaism. I am not saying this is the true religion or any other nonsense like that. I am saying that what the bible teaches (whether it is truth or not) is Messianic Judaism and the belief in Yahshua the Messiah, (not Jesus Christ), the worship of Yahweh, an Elohim (Not Jehovah God). They are tired of the truth of Hebrew words being pronounced which show "Jesus" to be a foreign word to the bible. "Iesous" is not the Messiah's name. On a completely different note, has anyone seen this week's CSI Miami? I missed it. If so please PM me with details and whether or not Kali was wearing a shirt revealing boobies.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    All I can say is...damn. Y'no I am out and very confidant with the route my life is taking, But some times I read things like this and just shake my head in amazement.

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