Just a few comments.
I won't argue that Sodom and Gomorrah wasn't specifically about homosexuality. it was about how morally debased and corrupt the people of those cities were. The mention of the attempted same-sex gang rape was to emphasise the point.
The Mosaic homosexuality prohibitions were laws specific to Israel. They have no intrinsic application beyond that nation, though they do give us insight into what God views as right and wrong.
I think the context of Paul's statement in Romans can be understood as a diatribe against the Jews who were trying to supress Christianity at the time. He says of them "the wrath of God is being revealed against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who supress the truth by their wickedness" (Romans 1:18; NIV) and "Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them" (Vs 32). Those two things together certainly couldn't be said of the Romans or just about any other group of the time, so it must have been fellow Jews he was speaking of. Most of the statements which can be understood as binding upon Christians are blanket prohibitions of fornication and adultery, which are broad enough to include but not limited to homosexual relations. And besides, they are binding on those who want to follow Christ and not the world at large. That does tend to get lost in the debate.
Homosexuality and the Bible
by lisavegas420 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I would make her stick to just the Bible. If she wants to say that the Revelation Book uses the Bible to explain or prove itself, ask her if there have ever been any changes made to the book that is not man's thinking. (like a recent Kingdom Ministry)
This is an interesting article on homosexuality in the bible. http://www.gaylib.com/text/misc13.htm
I will also bring a Revelation book with me also, which is a verse by verse explanation of ther book of Revelation
Lucky you. Just what you need, the jw-version of Revelation... (it`s to scare the shit out of ya, of course...oh, such a cheap trick)
Maybe there is another book, non-jw, that goes verse by verse with the book of relevations that we can compare the two.
...above the title, there are 7 buttons (lol, how appropriate). The one on the far right is the commentary, and there`s a commentary for each chapter. The commentaries are good, scholarly and unbiased. I`m sure they can be printed too (or you can copy/paste them into word).
Thank you all.
I would ask her where the bible explains that the seven trumpet calls in revelation were the seven conventions held. (or something like that). How can that NOT be man's interpretation.
Another point might be that today we are very rarely forced to obey the dictate of not eating things sacrificed to idols. She will likely tell you these command have outlived their purpose too. Point out things like temple prostitution with male temple prostitues that was likely behind the scripture in acts against men lying with men and how these practices too are not applicable to our day.
One other thing, if your friend accepts your line of reasoning she will without doubt try to close you off with the question
"where else is better?"
This question is a ‘thought stopping’ technique. It may appear valid but at the time of questioning it is a mental diversion from an issue being discussed. The validity of an issue is deflected by inducing fear of what will come next. You need to be clear with her that the question “Where else to go” is of no relevance until there is a thorough understanding of the more important question; “Does the Watchtower Society promote truth?”