I joined yesterday...

by Calyndra 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once


    I know its hard and I understand not saying anything about the assault you endured. Not saying anything is quite common. When the time comes that you have the strength to say something, you will benefit others who this pig may have touched in the meantime. Perhaps he will do it again to someone else and you can stop him. Its a big thing to deal with and I can see a victim shying away from it, but if you can step forward it would bring a lot of good. Why not e-mail silentlambs and ask for advice? They should be able to direct you to some arrangement for support.

    I sincerely feel bad for you that this person deprived you of your right to a body and life uninvaded by another's selfishness and greed. I wish you healing and, if possible and desired, a healthy measure of justice!


  • BabaYaga

    Strength to you, Calyndra, and it sounds as if you have plenty to spare already!

    Welcome to the forum!

  • jwfacts

    Welcome, I hope you find healing here.

    I definitely recommend you read Crisis of Conscience and In search of Christian Freedom by Franz, and Releasing the Bonds by Hassan. Hassan is a leading exit counsillor and the information will greatly help understand how people can be manipulated to act out of character. Though I am bitter about being misled I am not bitter towards the individuals. I know one of the GB personally and believe that they are as misled as the followers. The Watchtower cult structure was put in place by Rutherford and no one gets to the GB without having been submitted to decades of Watchtower mind control. They just perpetuate what they were manipulated to believe. I do know that some of the GB and branch members realise it is not the truth, but they do not have the strength to change it or to leave. Cognitive Dissonance is as strong for them as it is for the followers.

    I faced what you are going through in regards to being stunned that so much doctrine I thought was truth may not be. So I started from A in the Reasoning Book an worked through to Z and studied everything again, but from other points of view. I soon realised little that the WTS teaches has any substance at all. It takes an incredible amount of time, and my family and finances have suffered greatly in the process, but it was something that I had to do. I have put some of what I found at www.jwfacts.com so that others can examine the research without having to spend quite so much time. - Paul

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Calyndra,

    WELCOME to the forum!! We are very glad you found this site!! I understand your feelings of hurt, betrayal and anger. Most likey time will help heal all of those. I think most here know the average rank and file are being unknowingly lied to. And most just feel really sorry for them. Afterall, weren't most of us just like them at some point in our lives??

    The biterness is mainly for the Society and those taking the lead that knowingly are lying and ruining peoples lives. Everyone handles their experience from the Watchtower different, because each situation is juat that, different. Many have lost loved ones because of policys that constantly change. Such as the "No Blood" policy. Others have been cut-off from their family and friends. Many have experienced both such as my family and myself.

    Being here is therapy, in that, many here are trying to help other JWs see the truth about the "truth". Keeping the issues of what is wrong with this organization to the fore is the only way for new ones who are just begining to have questions, or feelings of dismay, to see what has really been going on behind "the curtain".

    Please stick around! You will find many friends here who will love and support you! You don't have to end up bitter..it is all in what you make of it. However, I would allow yourself time to go through all the stages: disbelief, anger, sadness, disgust, bitterness, and empathy. These are only some of the feelings you can expect, but in the end, what will each of us do with what we know??

    Most here have enough love and compassion in their hearts to try and help others. That in addition to healing is why they are here.

    Again "Welcome!",


    Lady Liberty

  • sass_my_frass

    Hi and welcome. All good questions, I'm trying to work it out too.

  • Honesty

    Hi Calyndra and welcome to a bit of sanity!!!!

    It looks more and more like the Governing Body is misleading 6 million people purposely.

    Those were exactly my thoughts after I researched Watchtower Society doctrines and compared them to God's Word.

    I think the reason many can't see the Watchtower for what it really is reflects the intensity of the hypnosis that permeates meetings.

    To be able to discern deception one must physically remove themselves from the Kingdom Hall. When a person stays away for more than 6 months and starts researching the WTBTS they very seldom return except fears of being shunned by family and friends.

  • jwfacts
    When a person stays away for more than 6 months and starts researching the WTBTS they very seldom return except fears of being shunned by family and friends.

    Exactly. I have had most sucess helping people break free who are disfellowshipped. After a person has been removed from meetings for a short time it only takes an hour or so pointing them in the right direction for the entire Watchtower struture to fall apart.

  • mama1119

    Welcome Welcome.....I hope you find some peace (and answers) here! There are really some wonderful (okay, and a few bitter) people on this board. I am sorry for what you went through...but you sound like a strong person, so hang in there, it gets better!!!


  • Free

    It's OK to be bitter, Shout out a little, Say a curse word or two. I almost instantly started to heal once I came hear. So welcome and remember we all have different ways of dealing with the past. I just so happen to kick and scream a little, when other people go cry in their pillow.

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